

关 键 词:

(南京晓庄学院应用生态研究所南京211171)摘要通过野外观察、室内饲养等方法研究了酢浆灰蝶Pseudozizeeria maha (Kollar) 的生活史及生物学特性。在南京地区,该蝶幼虫以酢浆草科Oxalidaceae的黄花酢浆草(Oxalis corniculata L.)为食,1年5代,世代交替发生。酢浆灰蝶在10月末以蛹在枯枝落叶或土壤表层浅洞中越冬,越冬代成虫次年5月始见、中旬为高峰期,5月中旬始见第1代卵及幼虫,6—10月间各月各虫态均同时发生,期间每月中下旬为成虫活动高峰期。幼虫共4龄,野外2~4龄幼虫具迁移、避热与适蚁行为。在室内饲养条件下,卵期为3~4 d,幼虫期为 22~26 d,蛹期为6~7 d。
关键词鳞翅目, 灰蝶科, 生活史, 行为

Bionomics of the butterfly, Pseudozizeeria maha(Kollar) ZHUANG HaiLing**YU WeiYanZHOU QuanChengCAI Yao
FENG TengLIU HuiZHANG HaiYanLI ZhaoHui***
(Institute of Applied Ecology, Nanjing Xiaozhuang University, Nanjing211171, China)

AbstractThe life history and bionomics of Pseudozizeeria maha (Kollar) were studied in both the field and the laboratory. The host plant of this species is Oxalis corniculata L. This butterfly has five generations per year in Nanjing, China. It begins to overwinter as a pupa in a hole in the soil surface, or on shrubs, in late October. The adults emerge in early May with the peak of emergence in midMay. The eggs and larvae of the first generation emerge in midMay. Different developmental states are present at the same time but adults have a peak of emergence at the middle and end of every month from June to October. The larvae have four instars; larvae of the 2nd to 4th instars display myrmecophily, are migratory and display heat avoidance behaviors. The durations of the egg, larval, and pupal periods were 3-4, 22-26 and 6-7 days respectively, under the same laboratory conditions.
Key wordsLepidoptera, Lycaenidae, life history, behavior