

关 键 词:

(1山西省农业科学研究院园艺研究所太原030031;2山西大学生命科学学院太原030006)摘要通过解剖镜和扫描电子显微镜对意大利工蜂Apis mellifera ligustica L.前胃的形态结构进行了观察,发现前胃包括前胃瓣和前胃管两部分。前胃瓣是由4个瓣片环围而成,球形,在蜜囊中,每个瓣片的长度约为08 mm,前端为三角形结构,可以运动,边长约为035 mm,三角形的前缘有较长的毛形结构。在每个三角形顶端各有一个直径约为50 μm瘤形突起。前胃瓣最大孔径为089~100 mm,具有调整和控制食物进入中肠的功能。前胃管是一直径001~002 mm的较为柔软的管道,插入中肠5 mm,该结构可防止中肠食物的倒流。前胃瓣上有7种毛状结构,分布在前胃瓣的不同部位,该结构的功能是分离和过滤、捕捉和感觉功能。本研究为理解工蜂前胃在消化系统中的功能和作用以及昆虫形态学和昆虫分类学提供理论依据。
关键词意大利工蜂, 前胃, 显微结构

The microstructure of the proventriculus in the worker honeybee,
Apis mellifera ligustica L. MA WeiHua1,2**SHEN JinShan1GUO Yuan1WANG Qian2
CUI ZhiFang2ZHANG XiaoMin2***
(1Institution of Horticulture, Shanxi Academy of Agriculture Sciences, Taiyuan030031, China;
2College of Life Science, Shanxi University, Taiyuan030006, China)

AbstractThe structure of the proventriculus of the worker honeybee, Apis mellifera ligustica L., was studied using an anatomical lens and scanning electron microscopy. Our observations revealed that the proventriculus consists of a proventricular fold and stomach valve. The proventricular fold is spherical and comprised of four lips about 0.8mm long in the crop. Its anterior end is triangular in shape, movable, and about 035 mm long and the front of this bears a long structure, the trichodeum. Strumae, the diameter of which is about 50 μm, are on the tip of each triangle. The maximum aperture of the proventricular fold is about 089-1mm and has the function of adjusting and controlling the passage of food into the midgut. The stomach valve is 001-002 mm(10-20 μm)in diameter and is a relatively soft tube that inserts 5 mm into the midgut. This structure can prevent the backflow of food from the midgut. Seven kinds of hair structure are distributed in different parts of the proventricular fold, the function of which is separation and filtration, capture and aesthesis. These observations provide a theoretical basis for comprehending the function of the honeybee digestive system and its significance in insect morphology and taxonomy.
Key wordsApis mellifera ligustica, proventricular fold, microstructure.