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2辽宁省老秃顶子国家级自然保护区管理局本溪桓仁117219)摘要寄蝇(双翅目:寄蝇科)是农林牧业害虫的重要天敌昆虫。多年来对辽宁老秃顶子自然保护区的寄蝇科昆虫区系进行了调查,采集到寄蝇标本1 500余号,经分类、鉴定共计4亚科21族68属124种,分别约占全国已知271属1 187种寄蝇的251%和104%;包括1中国新纪录属:黑寄蝇属Zophomyia Macquart; 4中国新记录种:三色宽额寄蝇Frontina tricolor Shima, 安尼里寄蝇Nilea innoxia RobineauDesvoidy, 尾怯寄蝇Phryxe semicaudata Herting, 灰欧佩寄蝇Opesia cana (Meigen); 36个辽宁新分布记录种和14个中国特有种;初步分析该地区寄蝇科区系组成以古北界种和古北、东洋界共有种为主,合计118种,占调查总种数的952%。研究标本均保存在沈阳师大昆虫标本馆。

Faunistic investigation of Tachinidae in Liaoning Laotudingzi National
Nature Reserve of China ZHANG ChunTian1**ZHAO Zhe1WANG ShiDi1WANG Qiang1ZHU YePing2
(1Liaoning Key Laboratory of Evolution and Biodiversity, Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang110034, China;
2Management Bureau of Liaoning Laotudingzi National Nature Reserve of China, Huanren117219, China)

AbstractThe tachinid flies play an important role in the control of pests in agriculture and forestry. In this study, Tachinidae(Diptera) from Laotudingzi National Nature Reserve in Liaoning Province, China, were investigated and over 1 500 specimens collected and examined. 124 species of 68 genera in 21 tribes of 4 subfamilies were identified, separately about 104% and 251% of 1 187 tachinid species of 271 known genera in China, of which 1 genus and 4 species were newly recorded in China; viz. Zophomyia Macquart, Frontina tricolor Shima, Nilea innoxia RobineauDesvoidy, Phryxe semicaudata Herting, Opesia cana (Meigen). 36 species were newly recorded from Liaoning and 14 species were endemic to China. A preliminary analysis of the tachinid flies in this region was conducted. Specimens collected in this study were deposited in the Insect Collection of Shenyang Normal University(SNU).
Key wordsLiaoning Laotudingzi, Tachinidae, list, new record, fauna