
文章标题: 不同性诱剂诱芯对小菜蛾引诱效果研究

文章作者:李振宇1,谌爱东2,章金明3,林庆胜1 ,陈焕瑜1,张德雍1,胡珍娣1,尹飞1,冯夏1**
关 键 词:
小菜蛾Plutella xylostella (L.)是我国为害最严重的蔬菜害虫之一,为提高检测和诱捕效率,2009年在广东广州、云南通海和浙江上虞3个试验点测试了5种性诱剂诱芯对小菜蛾的引诱效果,实验结果表明,广东省昆虫研究所研发的性诱剂诱芯在广东试点对小菜蛾诱捕效果最好,持效期在1个月以上,日平均诱蛾量21.3头/盆,是荷兰Koppert公司诱芯的5.3倍,适合应用于广东菜区小菜蛾田间种群的预测预报和综合控制;北京中捷四方商贸有限公司提供的性诱剂诱芯比较适合云南试点的应用,日平均诱蛾量13.6头/盆;中国科学院动物研究所研发的小菜蛾性诱剂诱芯对浙江试点小菜蛾日平均诱捕量13.6头/盆,效果最佳,适合浙江地区小菜蛾田间种群动态的预测预报及综合防控。
Study on trapping effects of different kinds of sex pheromone to diamondback moth LI ZhenYu1CHEN AiDong2ZHANG JinMing3LIN QingSheng1CHEN HuanYu1
ZHANG DeYong1HU ZhenDi1YIN Fei1FENG Xia1**
(1Institute of Plant Protection, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guangzhou510640, China;
2 Institute of Agricultural Environment and Resources, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kunming650205, China;
3 Institute of Plant Protection and Microbiology, Zhejiang Academy Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou310021, China)
AbstractThe diamondback moth,Plutella xylostella(L.), is one of the most important pests of brassicaceous vegetables in China. In order to improve the efficiency of monitoring and trapping this pest,the relative effectiveness of five sex pheromone attractants was evaluated in field trials in Guangdong,Yunnan and Zhejiang Provinces in 2009. The results show that the sex pheromone attractant from the Guangdong Entomological Institute had the best trapping efficacy in Guangdong with an average number of moths trapped per day of 21.3 per pot; 5.3fold higher than the average number trapped using an attractant from Dutch Koppert biological systems Co. Ltd. The Guangdong Entomological Institute’s attractant also remained effective for more than 1 month in the field. The sex pheromone attractant from Beijing Pherobio Technology Co. Ltd. had the best trapping efficacy in Yunnan, averaging 13.6 diamondback moths per pot per day. However, the sex pheromone attractant from the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences was the most effective in Zhejiang Province, averaging 13.6 moths per pot per day. These results indicate that different attractants are more effective in some locations than others and therefore that it is important to choose the best attractant for the location.
Key wordsdiamondback moth,sex pheromone,trapping efficacy
** 通讯作者,Email: fengx@gdppri.com
infection process, propagation ways, transmission electron microscopy
不同性诱剂诱芯对小菜蛾引诱效果研究*李振宇1,谌爱东2,章金明3,林庆胜1 ,陈焕瑜1,
小菜蛾Plutella xylostella (L.)是我国为害最严重的蔬菜害虫之一,为提高检测和诱捕效率,2009年在广东广州、云南通海和浙江上虞3个试验点测试了5种性诱剂诱芯对小菜蛾的引诱效果,实验结果表明,广东省昆虫研究所研发的性诱剂诱芯在广东试点对小菜蛾诱捕效果最好,持效期在1个月以上,日平均诱蛾量21.3头/盆,是荷兰Koppert公司诱芯的5.3倍,适合应用于广东菜区小菜蛾田间种群的预测预报和综合控制;北京中捷四方商贸有限公司提供的性诱剂诱芯比较适合云南试点的应用,日平均诱蛾量13.6头/盆;中国科学院动物研究所研发的小菜蛾性诱剂诱芯对浙江试点小菜蛾日平均诱捕量13.6头/盆,效果最佳,适合浙江地区小菜蛾田间种群动态的预测预报及综合防控。
Study on trapping effects of different kinds of sex pheromone to diamondback moth LI ZhenYu1CHEN AiDong2ZHANG JinMing3LIN QingSheng1CHEN HuanYu1
ZHANG DeYong1HU ZhenDi1YIN Fei1FENG Xia1**
(1Institute of Plant Protection, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guangzhou510640, China;
2 Institute of Agricultural Environment and Resources, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kunming650205, China;
3 Institute of Plant Protection and Microbiology, Zhejiang Academy Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou310021, China)
AbstractThe diamondback moth,Plutella xylostella(L.), is one of the most important pests of brassicaceous vegetables in China. In order to improve the efficiency of monitoring and trapping this pest,the relative effectiveness of five sex pheromone attractants was evaluated in field trials in Guangdong,Yunnan and Zhejiang Provinces in 2009. The results show that the sex pheromone attractant from the Guangdong Entomological Institute had the best trapping efficacy in Guangdong with an average number of moths trapped per day of 21.3 per pot; 5.3fold higher than the average number trapped using an attractant from Dutch Koppert biological systems Co. Ltd. The Guangdong Entomological Institute’s attractant also remained effective for more than 1 month in the field. The sex pheromone attractant from Beijing Pherobio Technology Co. Ltd. had the best trapping efficacy in Yunnan, averaging 13.6 diamondback moths per pot per day. However, the sex pheromone attractant from the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences was the most effective in Zhejiang Province, averaging 13.6 moths per pot per day. These results indicate that different attractants are more effective in some locations than others and therefore that it is important to choose the best attractant for the location.
Key wordsdiamondback moth,sex pheromone,trapping efficacy
** 通讯作者,Email: fengx@gdppri.com