Occurrence of Eriococcus kaki and its control
邓根明1; 罗 标1; 卿 澈1; 蔡少雄2
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作者单位:1.广西灌阳县农作物病虫害测报站 灌阳 541600;2.桂林市植物保护站 桂林 541001
英文关键词:Eriococcus kaki; life cycle; effect of insecticide
中文摘要:柿绒粉蚧(柿绵蚧)Eriococcus kaki Kuwana在广西灌阳县1年发生6代,以若虫和成 虫在树干裂皮缝、缝隙,1、2年生枝条轮痕、芽基、芽鳞片及干柿蒂上越冬,次年柿树萌芽期开始活动。第1代~第6 代低龄若虫高峰期分别为3月下旬~4月上旬初、5月下旬末~6月上旬初、6月下
英文摘要:Gum scale, Eriococcus kaki Kuwana, is a serious pest damaging persimmon in Guanyang County, Guangxi Province. There are six generations per year. The peak periods of young nymphs ineach genaration from the first to sixth were the last of March to e