Morphological characters and bionomics of Plodia interpunctella, a pest inBombus lucorumcolonies, breeding in captivity
安建东;国占宝;李继莲;罗其花;吴 杰
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作者单位:中国农业科学院蜜蜂研究所 北京 100093
英文关键词:Bombus lucorum; Plodia interpunctella; morphological character; bionomics
中文摘要:明亮熊蜂Bombus lucorum L.是一种重要的温室果菜传粉昆虫,印度谷斑螟Plodia interpunctella (Hübner)是危害明亮熊蜂繁育的主要害虫之一。2年的研究结果表明,印度谷斑螟的形态特征与危害蜜蜂巢房的大蜡螟Gallerie mellonella L.和小蜡螟Achroia grisella
英文摘要:The bumblebee Bombus lucorum L. is a popular insect pollinator for crops cultivated in greenhouse in China, and the Indian meal moth. Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) is one of the main pests in B. lucorum colonies breeding in ca