Unsing the ruler mark method to evaluate the activity of red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta workers
高亿波1,2;陆永跃1;曾 玲1;黄 俊1
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作者单位:1.华南农业大学红火蚁研究中心 广州 510642; 2.安徽农业大学植物保护学院 合肥 230036
英文关键词: Solenopsis invicta; worker; activity; rulermark method
中文摘要:应用一种新方法——刻度图示法研究红火蚁工蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren群体活动性规律,结果表明,标尺上红火蚁最高爬升高度、平均爬升高度、工蚁恢复平静时间、工蚁累计数量均随着蚁巢体积增大而增大,通过分析建立红火蚁工蚁活动性程度各指标值与蚁巢大小关系多个模
英文摘要:A new method, ruler-mark method, was used in evaluating the activity of red imported fire ant Solenopsis invicta Buren workers. The results indicated that 4 indices including the highest and average heights which workers reached, the duration for w