Evaluation of efficacy on dropped ripe fruit removal control of oriental fruit fly bactrocera dorsalis and fruit damage rate assessments of five mango varieties
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英文关键词:Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), mango, infestation rate, dropped fruit removal
中文摘要: 在2011年6~8月调查了橘小实蝇对云南省元江县5个主要芒果品种的产卵为害情况,评估了清理落果对橘小实蝇的防治效果。结果表明树上果实和成熟落果受害率最高、产卵孔数量最多的品种是三年芒和红象牙芒;单位面积落果量(X)和监测雄虫数量(Y)显著相关(r1=0.884**,显著性P1=0.000),其回归方程为Y=-1.675+449.701X-204.933X2+27.046X3(Rsq=0.966,显著性水平sig.f=0.000);累加虫量(X)与树上果实被害率(Y)的回归方程为Y=0.003X0.721(Rsq=0.953,Sig.f=0.000)。采拾落果可降低树上果实受害率约20%,减少田间虫口数44%左右。因此,清理落果对控制橘小实蝇田间种群数量、减少树上果实被害率有显著作用。
英文摘要: The rate of infestation of five major mango varieties by oriental fruit flies Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) had been assessed in Yuanjiang, Yunnan, from June to August, 2011. The results showed that two varieties (Sannianmang and Red ivory) had the highest rate of infestation and largest number of oviposition apertures. Additional test was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of dropped fruit removal on the control of the flies. There was a significant positive correlation between the number of dropped fruits per square meter (X) and the number of male files (Y) captured by methyl eugenol (Me) (r1=0.884**, P1=0.000). The regression equation Y=-1.675+449.701X-204.933X2+27.046X3 (Rsq=0.966, sig.f=0.000) had been calculated. The relationship between accumulation of the number of male files captured by Me (X) and the average infestation rate of mango fruits (Y) can be expressed as Y=0.003X0.721 (Rsq=0.953,Sig.f=0.000). Compared with the control group, the infestation rate and the number of captured male flies in the treatment group were significantly reduced by 20% and 44%, respectively. Therefore, dropped fruit removal is recommended as an effective method of control of the pest.