Study on the Regulation of the Body Color Change of Diaphorina Citri Kuwayama
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英文关键词:Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, body color, sex ratio
中文摘要:亚洲柑桔木虱Diaphorina citri Kuwayama为黄龙病的媒介昆虫。本文研究了其雌雄成虫在刚羽化、羽化后3 h、交配盛期和产卵盛期的腹部和前翅颜色变化规律,明确了每个时期的主要体色,同时探讨了不同季节、虫口密度和寄主条件对体色变化的影响。结果表明,雌雄木虱羽化后前翅颜色均由白色→黑色→红褐色渐变,木虱雌成虫腹部颜色随时间推移由黄绿色→灰白色→蓝色→橙色渐变,雄虫由黄绿色→灰黑色→橙色渐变。季节、寄主和虫口密度的变化对雌虫腹部颜色构成有一定的影响,但对雄虫基本上没有影响。不同条件下雌虫腹部的主要颜色为蓝色或橙色,雄虫均以橙色为主,其次为灰黑色,表明木虱成虫多处于交配期或产卵期。木虱五龄若虫的体色变化也较大。多数条件下木虱的性比接近于1:1,仅春秋季雌性比例略低于雄性。通过观察木虱的体色变化规律可以初步判断其羽化情况和性别,估计羽化期、交配期和产卵盛期,作为木虱生物学特性研究和预测预报的参考。
英文摘要:The changes over time in the color of 5th instar nymphs, abdomens of adults, and forewing of Diaphorina citri Kuwayama were studied. The adult color was observed immediately after emergence, 3 hours after emergence, and during the peak mating period and peak oviposition period respectively. The influence of season, host plant and population density on adult color in males and females were also studied. The result showed that the color of forewing in both females and males followed a sequence of white to black to red brown after emergence. The abdomen color of females changed from olivine to grayish white to blue to orange, while the male changed from olivine to dark gray to orange over time. The proportions of different abdomen color individuals of females changed according to seasons, host plants and population densities, while that of the male were not. The main abdomen color of female was blue or orange, while that of male was orange, followed by dark gray. The color of 5th instar nymphs also changed as they got older. The sex ratios under different conditions were approximatively 1:1, but there were fewer females than males in spring and autumn.