Effects of release ratio and host plants on parasitism by Pediobius foveolatus
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中文关键词:蜂虫比, 蔬菜品系, 寄生率, 瓢虫柄腹姬小蜂, 茄二十八星瓢虫
英文关键词:parasitehost ratio, plant cultivars, parasitism, Pediobius foveolatus, Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata
中文摘要:本文通过保护地放蜂试验,研究了不同的放蜂比例、不同茄科蔬菜植物以及同一作物的不同品系等因子对瓢虫柄腹姬小蜂Pediobius foveolatus Crawford寄生率的影响。结果发现:在不同的蜂虫比例下,随放蜂比例的增加,寄生蜂的寄生率在10 d内相应增加。当蜂虫比为1∶1时,寄生率高达9763%,明显高于蜂虫比为1∶3和1∶5的寄生率(分别为6258%和5611%)。进一步研究发现,不同蔬菜、同一蔬菜的不同品系及同一植株的不同部位对寄生率也有影响。在茄子上,不同放蜂比条件下寄生蜂对害虫的寄生率均大于在西红柿上的寄生率,表明茄子作为寄主植物更适于寄生蜂的产卵寄生;而且香毛簇多的品系比香毛簇少的品系寄生率低。
英文摘要:The effects of parasite:host release ratio and host plant on rates of parasitism by Pediobius foveolatus Crawford were examined. The parasitism rate was found to have increase with increasing release ratio 10 days after the release. When the release ratio was 1∶1, the parasitism rate was 9763%, much higher than the rates achieved from release ratios of 1∶3 and 1∶5, which were 6258%and 5611%, respectively. Also, different host plants, plant cultivars and leaf structures also affected rates of parasitism by P. foveolatus. P. foveolatus parasitism was higher on eggplant than on tomato after releasing different ratios of P. foveolatus to Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata larvae. This suggests that eggplant is a suitable host plant providing more prey suitable for wasp oviposition, and that parasitism by P. foveolatus is lower on plants with more leaf trichomes than on those with fewer leaf trichomes.