Response of three successive generations of aphids to stress from Lysiphlebia japonica Ashmead under ambient CO2 and elevated CO2
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作者单位:1.湖南人文科技学院生命科学系娄底417000;2.湖南农业大学植物保护学院 长沙410128; 3.湖南省烟草公司长沙市公司浏阳分公司浏阳410300
中文关键词:棉蚜, 蚜茧蜂, CO2浓度, 适合度, 胁迫作用, 3个连续世代
英文关键词:Aphis gossypii, Lysiphlebia japonica, elevated CO2, fitness, stress, three successive generations
中文摘要:文以蚜茧蜂Lysiphlebia japonica Ashmead与棉蚜Aphis gossypii Glover系统为研究对象,以内禀增长率rm作为适合度指标,通过开顶式动态CO2气室 (OTC),重点比较了目前大气CO2浓度与未来加倍的大气CO2浓度下(375 μL/L VS 750 μL/L)直接放入蚜茧蜂、笼罩间接放入蚜茧蜂的胁迫作用对不同世代和3个连续世代棉蚜适合度的影响。结果表明:CO2浓度变化、世代之间、寄生胁迫方式对棉蚜净繁殖率R0、平均世代时间T 和内禀增长率rm均存在着极显著的影响;CO2浓度变化和寄生胁迫方式之间、CO2浓度变化和棉蚜发生世代之间的交互作用对棉蚜净繁殖率R0和内禀增长率rm也存在着极显著的影响。结果提示:大气CO2浓度将通过影响寄生蜂的间接干扰作用,从而影响棉蚜的适合度和种群动态,使棉蚜种群有下降的趋势。
英文摘要:The effects of two levels of CO2 (375 μL/L VS 750 μL/L) on the cotton Aphis gossypii Lysiphlebia japonica system were studied using OTCs. We evaluated the influence of direct and indirect stress from L. japonica on the fitness response of aphids to changing CO2 for three successive generations. We wished to show whether CO2 levels, generation and L. japonicastress markedly determined the fecundity, net reproduction, mean generation time and intrinsic rate of increase in cotton aphids, and whether interactions between these variables also had a notable impact on the fecundity, net reproduction, and intrinsic rate of increase of aphids. Our results suggest that the stress induced by exposure to caged L. japonica had greater impact on the fitness and population dynamics of successive generations of A. gossypii under elevated CO2, resulting in a lower aphidpopulation.