Growth and development of immature Adesima anomala dejeani Gebl(Tenebrionidae:Adesmini)under two temperatures
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作者单位:新疆大学生命科学与技术学院 新疆生物资源基因工程重点实验室乌鲁木齐830046
英文关键词:Adesima anomala dejeani, temperature, growth and development
本研究首次报道温度对异长足漠甲Adesima anomala dejeani Gebl生长发育的影响。异长足漠甲的整个变态过程饲养使用矿泉水瓶法,并优化了此方法,避免过度失水,进行加水并同时观察。随着温度的升高,发育历期缩短,30℃饲养条件下异长足漠甲的总发育历期为 117.4 d,33℃的总发育历期为 90.99 d;2龄期、5龄期幼虫的头壳长和宽,前胸长和宽,体长,在33℃饲养条件下显著高于30℃;7龄期幼虫的头壳长和宽,前胸宽,体长,在33℃饲养条件下显著高于30℃;5龄期幼虫,温度30℃时的体重为 (0.0634±0.021)g,33℃时的体重为(0.0906±0.0313)g,差异显著;6龄期幼虫,蛹期、孵化成虫在温度30℃时存活率高于33℃。
英文摘要:The effects of two different temperatures on the growth and development of Adesima anomala dejeani Gebl was investigated under laboratory conditions. The method of using a mineral water bottle for feeding throughout metamorphosis was optimized. At 30℃, the larvae period was 117.4 days compared to 90.99 days at 33℃. The cephalic capsule length and width,elytra length and width of the second and fifth instars were significantly greater at 33℃ than at 30℃. There was a significant difference in body weight of the fifth instar at 30℃ (0.0634±0.021)g and 33℃ (0.0906±0.0313)g. Survival rates of the sixth instar, prepupa and teneral adults were higher at 30℃ than at 33℃.