Statistical analysis of insect population data and the use of SPSS
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中文关键词:统计分析, 单因素方差分析, 多因素方差分析, 重复测量方差分析, 线性回归
英文关键词:statistic analysis, oneway ANOVA, multivariable ANOVA, repeatedmeasures ANOVA, linear regression
英文摘要:It is crucial to choose the proper statistical methods when analyzing insect population data. This paper introduces the more frequently used statistical methods in insect population data analysis, including oneway ANOVA, multivariate ANOVA, repeatedmeasures ANOVA, and linear regression, and introduces the basic principles and premises of these methods. We emphasize the assumptions associated with various methods and provide advice to avoid biasing the results through misusing methods. Combined with the use of SPSS software, the implementation of these analyses are shown step by step. This paper provides a useful methodological reference for analyzing insect population data