Genetic variation among populations of the pine tip moth, Rhyacionia leptotubula in Northeast Yunnan
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英文关键词:Rhyacionia leptotubula, CO?, ND5, population, genetic diversity
本研究采用线粒体COІ和ND5区段作为分子标记,对滇东北地区重灾害虫细梢小卷蛾(Rhyacionia leptotubula Liu et Bai)9个群体进行遗传多样性分析,并探讨了不同地理群体之间的遗传变异程度。结果表明,COІ和ND5基因表现出较低的种内遗传多样性。系统发育树和中介网络图显示,细梢小卷蛾9个群体形成两个分支,其中东川红土地和寻甸老骂依姑的样本聚为一支,其余7个群体聚为一支。分子变异分析显示,80%左右的变异来源于分支间,表明虽然细梢小卷蛾种群间出现了明显的分化。
英文摘要:In this study, the genetic diversity of nine populations of Rhyacionia leptotubula in Northeast Yunnanwas analyzed by using mitochondrial COІ and ND5 genes as molecular markers. Genetic variation between these populations was also explored. The results indicated that COІ and ND5 genes showed low intraspecific genetic diversity. Phylogenetic tree and median-joining network showed that the populations grouped into two clusters. One consisted of the samples fromRedLand, Dongchuan and Lao Ma Yi Gu, Xundian, the other included the remainders. Molecular variance analysis demonstrated that about 80% of the variation came from between the clusters, which indicates a clear differentiation among populations.