Morphological and biological characteristics of Heortia vitessoides
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英文关键词:Heortia vitessoides, Aquilaria sinensis, morphological characteristics, biology, life history, natural enemy
中文摘要: 黄野螟是
Heortia vitessoides Moore是近几年在我国白木香种植区大面积发生的一种食叶性害虫,目前仅发现为害白木香。本文通过室内饲养与林间调查相结合的研究方法,明确了黄野螟在广东省化州地区一年发生8代,以蛹越冬。翌年4月中旬至5月上旬成虫陆续羽化,4月中旬成虫开始产卵,4月下旬第一代幼虫孵化,各虫态在不同世代的发育历期不同,12月中旬老熟幼虫入土化蛹越冬。完成一个世代需要28~32 d。卵集中产在白木香幼嫩叶片背面,孵化率达95%以上,卵期约3~4 d。幼虫共5龄,具有暴发性、暴食性的特点。低龄幼虫群集取食,食量较小,3龄以后幼虫开始分散为害,食量大增。老熟幼虫在树干基部周围的土壤中或枯枝落叶层间结蛹室化蛹,化蛹深度在距地表2 cm左右,蛹期8~15 d。成虫羽化多集中于夜间,具有较强的趋光性。
英文摘要: Heortia vitessoides is a serious defoliator pest of Aquilaria sinensis forests in recent years. In southern China the larvae of H. vitessoide solely feed on the leaves of A. sinensis. The morphological and biological characteristics of H. vitessoide were studied with laboratory observation and field investigation. The moth had eight generation per year in Huazhou, Guangdong Province and over-wintered as pupa. The adults began to emerge in mid-April. Generations overlapping began in the last ten days of May, and were very serious between the first and second generation of H. vitessoide. The whole generation duration was 28~32 days, and the over-wintering stage lasted three months. Eggs were laid on the back of young leaves of A. sinensis, and their developmental duration were 3~4 days. The hatchability of eggs was over 95%. The larvae had 5 instars and small larvae took food in groups. From the 3rd instars, the larvae began to feed leaves of A. sinensis dispersedly. The mature larvae pupated with cocoon in the depth of 2 cm of the soil or the fallen leaves. The development duration of pupa was 8~15 days. The emergence peaks of adults took placed at night. And the adults had strong phototaxy.