Morphology and distribution of the antennal sensilla of adult Massicus raddei (Blessig) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae
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作者单位:1. 河北大学生命科学学院保定071002;2.单县第一中学单县274300; 3. 中国林业科学研究院森林生态环境与保护研究所北京100091
英文关键词:Massicus raddei, antennal sensilla, scanning electron microscope, wood borer
栗山天牛Massicus raddei(Blessig)是我国东北林区栎树的主要蛀干害虫,严重危害蒙古栎和辽东栎,已给发生地造成的重大的经济损失和生态灾害。触角是天牛与外界进行信息沟通的重要器官,触角上的感器类型与分布数量直接影响天牛对外界化学刺激的识别。本文采用扫描电镜观察的方法,对栗山天牛雄、雌虫的触角分别进行了观察。结果显示,栗山天牛雌、雄性触角的感器分布略有不同,但都着生有大量的毛形感器、锥形感器和耳形感器,以及少量的板形感器、指形感器和钟形感器等。鞭节端部各节的感器数量较多,基部各节的感器数量较少,可能与各节所行使的功能有关。
英文摘要:Massicus raddei (Blessig) is a major wood boring pest of chestnut trees in Northeastern China that has caused serious damage to the local economy and ecology. It also attacks the trunk of Quercus mongolica and Quercus liaotungensis. Antennae are the main sensory organ of this longhorned beetle and the types and distribution of antennal sensilla on the antenna can influence adult’s recognition of chemical signals. By means of scanning electron microscopy, antennal sensilla on the antenna of male and female M. raddei were inspected and compared. Results show that though the distribution of antennal sensilla was slightly different between the sexes, there were many sensillum trichoid, sensilla bascionica, sensilla auricillica, and a small quantity of sensillum finger, sensilla placodeum, and sensilla campaniform, etc, on the antennae of both sexes. There are more antennal sensillae on the terminal segments of the antennal flagellum than on the basal segments. The distribution of antennal sensillae on the antennal flagellum might relate to different functions performed by different segments of the antenna.