Introduction to a new invasive pest, Ceroplastes rusci (Linnaeus) (Hemiptera:Coccoidea:Coccidae)
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英文关键词:Ceroplastes rusci, invasive pest, Guangdong, Sichuan, Ficus spp
中文摘要:无花果蜡蚧 Ceroplastes rusci (Linnaeus) 原产于非洲,是危害经济林和园林树种的重要害虫。2007年被列入《中华人民共和国进境植物检疫性有害生物名录》中。2012年4月下旬,该虫于广东省茂名市和四川省攀枝花市的榕树上被首次发现,为我国的新入侵害虫。本文介绍了其形态特征、地理分布、寄主植物、生物学和经济重要性等。
英文摘要:Ceroplastes rusci (Linnaeus), which originated from the Afrotropical Region, is an important pest of economic forests and ornamental plants, and is listed on the Catalogue of Quarantine Pests for Plants Imported to the People’s Republic of China 2007. In late April 2012, this species was first found and collected in China on Ficus microcarpa in Maoming city, Guangdong Province and on F. virens in Panzhihua city, Sichuan Province. We here provide a brief introduction to its morphological identification, distribution, host plants, biology and economic importance.