Advances in research on the insect neuropeptide F
黄一村** 时 敏 陈学新***
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作者单位:浙江大学昆虫科学研究所,农业部农业昆虫学重点实验室,杭州 310058
英文关键词:insect, neuropeptide F, receptor, behavior regulation, function
中文摘要: 神经肽Y(Neuropeptide
Y,NPY)家族作为一种神经递质,参与到脊椎动物许多生理功能的调控。神经肽F(Neuropeptide F, NPF)作为NPY在非脊椎动物中的同源肽,也具有类似的功能,目前NPF已经在许多的昆虫中得到鉴定,它一般由28~45个残基组成,C端为保守的RPRFamide结构。通过与配对的G蛋白偶联受体NPFR(Neuropeptide F receptor)结合,在昆虫的取食、酒精敏感性、攻击行为、繁殖、时钟节律和学习能力等诸多行为中发挥调节作用,但NPF/NPFR信号通路目前尚不明确。本文概述了NPF及其受体在一些模式动物上的分布及生理功能。
英文摘要:The neuropeptide Y (NPY) family acts as neurotransmitters and contributes to a diversity of physiological functions in vertebrates. Neuropeptide F (NPF), the NPY-like ortholog in invertebrates, has been identified in numerous insects and shares some similar functions with NPY. Commonly, NPFs consist of 28-45 residues and have a conserved C-terminal RPRFamide. They play a very important role in feeding, ethanol sensitivity and stress responses, including aggression, reproduction, circadian rhythm, and learning, by interaction with NPFRs, which are a kind of G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR). However, the NFP/NPFR signaling pathway is not well understood. This paper provides an overview of the distribution and functions of NPFs and their receptors in several model insects.