Progress in research on insect small heat shock proteins
陆明星** 徐 静 杜予州***
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作者单位:扬州大学园艺与植物保护学院,扬州大学应用昆虫研究所 扬州大学, 扬州 225009
英文关键词:insect, small heat shock proteins, development, temperature stress, diapause
中文摘要: 昆虫小分子量热激蛋白(Small heat shock proteins, sHSPs)是最早被发现的热激蛋白,但是有关它们的研究相对较少。本文对昆虫小分子量热激蛋白的最新研究成果进行了总结,旨在引起人们对该类蛋白的关注,以便进一步研究其功能,探讨其可能的应用前景。目前研究表明:昆虫小分子量热激蛋白是其所有热激蛋白中最不保守的家族。同时,它们通常拥有一个α-晶状体结构域;分子量范围一般在12~43 ku;具有分子伴侣的活性。每种昆虫体内拥有多种sHSPs,而且其功能也各不相同。这些热激蛋白在昆虫的生长发育、生殖以及滞育等重要生命活动中起着重要的作用;同时在抵御不良环境以及适应性进化中也具有重要意义。随着研究的深入,还将会有更多的昆虫sHSPs被鉴定,它们更多的功能也将被逐渐发掘。
英文摘要:Insect small heat shock proteins are an infrequently studied part of the superfamily of heat shock proteins. This article summarizes the latest research on these proteins and also discusses prospects for further research on their functions and possible applications. Current research demonstrates that insect small heat shock proteins are the most poorly conserved family of insect heat shock proteins. However, they usually have a conserved α-crystallin domain, a small molecular mass of 12-43 ku, and act as molecular chaperones. All insects possess many kinds of small heat shock proteins with diverse functions that play important roles in insects’ development, reproduction and diapause. They also have a strong influence on insects’ ability to withstand adverse environmental conditions and adaptive evolution. With further in-depth research, more and more insect small heat shock proteins and their functions will be identified.