Effect of plant volatiles on moth sex pheromone
张秀歌** 李 祥 孙小旭 李思翰 董文霞***
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作者单位:云南农业大学植物保护学院,生物多样性与病害控制教育部重点实验室, 省农业生物多样性利用与保护重点实验室,昆明 650201
英文关键词:plant volatiles , mothsex pheromone, behavioral responses, mechanism
中文摘要: 在植物与昆虫的协同进化过程中,植物挥发物与昆虫性信息素的相互关系一直以来被认为是物种间的重要通信系统。这种相互关系表现为植物挥发物对昆虫生理和行为的影响上,影响昆虫性信息素的合成和昆虫对性信息素的行为反应。本文针对植物挥发物对蛾类昆虫性信息素的影响进行了综述。评述了寄主植物挥发物对蛾类昆虫性信息素或前体的合成及性信息素的产生与释放的影响,总结了寄主植物和非寄主植物挥发物对蛾类昆虫的求偶行为的调控作用及对蛾类昆虫性信息素的增效或抑制作用阐述了植物挥发物影响蛾类昆虫对性信息素行为反应的机理,并且讨论了目前存在的问题。
英文摘要:In the process of co-evolution of plants and insects, interactions between insect pheromones and plant volatiles have been recognized as a key communication system between species. Such interactions are manifested as effects or influences of the plant volatile on insect physiology and behaviors, which result in pheromone signal substances and behavioral responses to insect sex pheromone. This paper focused on the effect of plant volatiles on moth sex pheromone. The effects of host plant volatiles on the synthesis of moth sex pheromone or precursors, and on the production or release of pheromones were reviewed. The calling behaviors of moth in response to particular plant cues were summarized, and the influence of host plant and non-host plant volatiles on moth responses to sex pheromones was introduced. The possible mechanism about the effect of plant volatiles on the behavioral response of moths to sex pheromone was also discussed in the paper, as well as current research problems and future perspectives.