Optimal dosage of Meiyiwei (0.45% tetramethrin+0.05% cypermethrin) bait for the control of Solenopsis invicta Buren
黄 俊1, 2** 陆永跃1 梁广文1 曾 玲1***
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作者单位:1. 华南农业大学红火蚁研究中心,广州 510642; 2. 浙江省农业科学院花卉研究开发中心,浙江省萧山棉麻研究所,杭州 311202
中文关键词: 红火蚁,活动蚁巢减退率,工蚁减退率,蚁群级别降低率,防治效果
英文关键词:Solenopsis invicta, active mound decreasing rates, chemical control, poisonous bait
中文摘要: 【目标】 明确红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren毒饵最佳使用剂量有助于有效控制红火蚁、降低防治成本和保护生态安全。【方法】 采用活动蚁巢减退率、工蚁减退率与蚁群级别降低率综合评价了单蚁巢点施不同剂量灭蚁威饵剂对红火蚁的田间防治效果。【结果】 结果表明,地表有效体积大小一致的蚁巢实施25、20、15、10、5 g饵剂处理25 d后,对应的活动蚁巢减退率分别为80%、90%、100%、90%、90%,工蚁减退率分别为100%、100%、100%、98.1%、99.2%,蚁群级别降低率为86.7%、90%、100%、80%、76.7%。同时,在最适投饵量基础上,针对不同地表有效体积大小的蚁巢投施相应饵剂量,综合防治效果达94%以上。【结论】 上述结果可见,对蚁巢地表有效体积大小0.066
g灭蚁威饵剂能起到最佳的防治效果,而且每0.03 m3蚁巢地表有效体积大小相对应的饵剂量为5
英文摘要:[Objectives] To determine the optimal dosage of Meiyiwei (0.45% tetramethrin+0.05% cypermethrin) bait. [Methods] The effect of Meiyiwei (0.45% tetramethrin+0.05% cypermethrin) on fire ants was evaluated using an integrated index. [Results] The mortality of fire ant colonies treated with dosages of 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 g per mound were 80%, 90%, 100%, 90% and 90%, respectively; the mortality of fire ant workers were 100%, 100%, 100%, 98.1% and 99.2%, respectively, and the control effect were 89.4%, 93%, 100%, 87.4%, 86.1%, respectively, after 25 days. The application of practical quantities of Meiyiwei achieved a control effect in excess of 94% depending on different mound volume and dosage. [Conclusion] 15 g Mieyiwei per mound had the best control effect, and in general, 5 g of this pesticide should be applied per 0.03 m3 of mound volume.