Survey of the prevalence of fire ant sting accidents based on internet reports
赵静妮** 许益镌***
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英文关键词:red imported fire ant, allergy, internet searching, news report
中文摘要: 【目的】 为了解红火蚁Solenopsis invicta在我国叮咬人后的流行病学特征、临床表现及红火蚁在我国环境中的分布情况。【方法】 我们通过互联网搜索并分析红火蚁在中国伤人事件。【结果】 通过调查统计发现,红火蚁的快速广泛传播,是导致红火蚁频繁地侵扰人类的重要原因。所有被叮咬过的人均出现过痛痒症状,大多数都有过肿痛感,也有少许人出现过发烧、暂时性失明、荨麻疹或者是其他系统性的反应例如休克,甚至是死亡。【结论】 研究结果表明,红火蚁的快速蔓延传播严重地危及了公共健康,政府和相关部门应给予重度重视。
英文摘要: [Objectives] To evaluate the epidemiological features of immediate allergic reactions to red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta stings, and the distribution of this introduced species in China. [Methods] Data on the incidence of stings were obtained from the internet and statistically analyzed. [Results] The most important reason for the increased frequency of stings is the red imported fire ant’s broad and rapidly expanding distribution. All people who were stung experienced itchiness, and almost all experienced redness. In addition, a few people experienced fever, temporary blindness, urticarial, or other systemic reactions, such as shock or even death. [Conclusion] Allergic reactions to red imported fire ant stings are a serious public health problem that should be addressed by both the government and the public