Population dynamics of sugarcane thrips (Fulmekiola serrata) and thedegree of damage inflicted by these on different sugarcane arieties
尹 炯** 罗志明 黄应昆*** 李文凤 张荣跃王晓燕 单红丽 杨 昆
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作者单位:云南省农业科学院甘蔗研究所,开远 661699
英文关键词:sugarcane thrips, Fulmekiola serrata Kobus, sugarcane varieties, population dynamics, resistance
【目的】 明确甘蔗蓟马Fulmekiola serrata的发生动态及其在不同品种甘蔗上的为害情况,为探讨该虫对不同甘蔗品种的选择性和采取有效的防治措施奠定基础。【方法】 田间种群动态调查于2013年4月初到7月末进行,研究了12个品种在新植甘蔗和宿根甘蔗田块遭受甘蔗蓟马为害情况。【结果】 甘蔗蓟马种群数量先逐渐上升后又下降,发生高峰期集中在6月中旬到7月上旬。12个甘蔗品种均受到甘蔗蓟马为害,其中,新植甘蔗中云瑞06-189甘蔗蓟马数量最多,平均有25.80头/株,闽糖01-77甘蔗蓟马数量最少,平均有7.80头/株;宿根甘蔗中ROC22甘蔗蓟马数量最多,平均有106.93头/株,云蔗06-80甘蔗蓟马数量最少,平均有33.60头/株。同一田块不同品种甘蔗蓟马若虫和成虫数量不等,同一品种宿根甘蔗蓟马数量多于新植甘蔗,株虫量差异范围为10.10~90.90头/株。【结论】 甘蔗品种和植期影响甘蔗蓟马发生,不同品种甘蔗蓟马为害程度和抗性水平存在差异。
英文摘要: [Objectives] To quantify
the population dynamics of sugarcane thrips Fulmekiola serrata Kobus and the damage inflicted by these pests on different sugarcane varieties, with
the objective of building base-line data for studying the feeding preferences
of F. serrata and developing
effective measures to control this pest. [Methods] The population dynamics of F. serrata were investigated in
sugarcane fields from the beginning of April to the end of July in 2013, and
the degree of damage inflicted on 12 sugarcane varieties was compared. [Results] F.
serrata populations increased gradually at first, then declined, with peak
abundance observed between mid-June and early July. A total of 12 sugarcane
varieties were fed on by F. serrata. In the case of plant cane, the highest number of thrips was recorded on Yunrui 06-189,
with an average of 25.80 thrips/plant, and the least on Mintang 01-77, which
had an average of 7.80 thrips/plant. In ratoon cane, the highest number of
thrips was recorded on ROC22, which had an average of 106.93 thrips/plant, and least
on Yunzhe 06-80, which had an average of 33.60 thrips/plant. Nymphs and adult
numbers of F. serrata on different
sugarcane varieties differed in the
same field. The numbers of F. serrata on the same sugarcane variety were higher on ratoon than on plant cane; in the
range of 10.10-90.90 thrips/plant. [Conclusion] The incidence of F. serrata was influenced by sugarcane
varieties and planting dates. The degree of damage inflicted
by F. serrata on sugarcane, and the resistance
of sugarcane to F. serrata, differed
among different sugarcane varieties.