Population dynamics and community structure of predatory insects in wheat fields
公维敏** 张 龙 王 珊 刘志琦
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英文关键词:wheat fields, predatory insects, community structure, dynamics
【目的】 探究小麦捕食性昆虫群落结构以及动态规律,为小麦害虫的生物防治提供科学依据。【方法】 试验采用了网捕法、陷阱法、黄盘法和马氏网法定期采集地表、小麦植株上的捕食性昆虫,并将其带回实验室进行鉴定、计数和数据分析。【结果】 两年共采集捕食性昆虫1 479头,属于4目7科22种,其中龟纹瓢虫Propylaea
japonica (Thunberg, 1781) 为优势种;小麦拔节期之前几乎没有捕食性昆虫,抽穗期和扬花期捕食性昆虫个体数和物种数逐渐增加,灌浆期和乳熟期物种数继续增加、个体数则迅速增多;捕食性昆虫群落的Shannon-wiener多样性指数H′、均匀度指数E,均随时间整体呈现低-高-低-高的变化趋势,而优势集中性指数C和优势度B则整体呈现高-低-高-低的变化趋势。【结论】 该研究结果对小麦害虫的生物防治具有指导意义。
[Objectives] To improve
the biological control of wheat pests by investigating the population dynamics
and community structure of predatory insects in wheat fields. [Methods] Sweep-netting, pitfall traps, yellow plate and
malaise traps were used to collect regular samples of predatory insects which
were then identified in the laboratory. [Results] A total of 1 479
predatory insects from
22 species, 7 families and 4 orders were collected. Propylaea japonica (Thunberg, 1781) was the dominant species. Few predatory insects was collected
during the wheat jointing stage, both species number and the number of
individual specimens collected gradually increased from the heading to the
flowering period, after which species number continued to increase. The number
of individuals rapidly rose from the filling to maturing stage. The Shannon-wiener
diversity index (H¢) and Pielou evenness index (E) showed the same low-high-low-high trend over time, whereas the
Simpson dominant concentration (C)
and dominance (B) displayed a
high-low-high-low trend. [Conclusion] The data collected provides
basic information to improve the biological control of wheat pests.