Use of computer visualization to evaluate the influence of light intensity on the body colour of Prodenia litura (Fabricius) larvae
万新龙** 钱 凯 杜永均***
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作者单位:温州医科大学,温州 325035
英文关键词:Multiunit Recording (MR); Gas Chromatography-MR (GC-MR); principle; experimental protocol
中文摘要:多通道电生理记录(Multiunit recording, MR)和气相色谱(Gas chromatography, GC) -多通道电生理记录(GC-MR)是昆虫化学生态学中研究昆虫对气味化合物神经元反应非常重要和前沿的电生理技术,在研究昆虫对植物气味和性信息素的嗅觉反应机制以及高灵敏性筛选活性化合物等方面具有非常重要的作用。本文介绍这一技术的基本原理、操作步骤和应用实例,并详尽说明了使用中应该注意的事项。
Recording (MR) and Gas Chromatography-MR (GC-MR) are very
important and cutting-edge electrophysiological techniques to study insect
neuronal responses to odorants in chemical ecology, playing a role key in
studying the mechanisms of insect olfactory reaction to plant volatiles and sex
pheromones and in sensitively selecting bioactive compounds. This paper
introduced the basic principles, experimental protocols and examples of the two
techniques, and further, illustrated the attentions in the applications.