The fine structure of the compound eye and optic lobe of thetwo-spotted cricket Gryllus bimaculatus
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作者单位:1. 沈阳师范大学 脑功能与认知科学实验室,沈阳 110034;2. 辽宁中医药大学省部共建中医脏象理论及应用教育部重点实验室,沈阳 110032;3. 沈阳师范大学 化学与生命科学学院,沈阳 110034
英文关键词:Gryllus bimaculatus, compound eyes, optic lobe, histological structure
【目的】 为探索昆虫视觉信号处理的重要神经结构,详细观察和描述了直翅目(Orthoptera)蟋蟀科(Gryllidae)代表性昆虫双斑蟋Gryllus
bimaculatus De
Geer复眼和视叶的组织学结构特征。【方法】 利用扫描电镜技术和组织学切片技术,观察分析了30只双斑蟋的复眼和视叶组织学结构。【结果】 双斑蟋复眼约有3400个小眼,均为六边形结构,小眼间隙内分布有机械感受器——感觉毛和钟形感受器。每个小眼均由角膜、晶锥、感杆束、6个网膜细胞及基膜等构成。视叶呈两个扇形结构,由三大神经纤维网构成,分别为神经节层、外髓、内髓。【结论】 双斑蟋复眼表面具有少量感觉毛和钟形感受器,每个小眼均由角膜、晶锥、感杆束、6个网膜细胞及基膜等构成,属并列像眼,视叶由三大神经纤维网构成。
[Objectives] To investigate the important neural structures
of insect visual signal processing by observing and describing the histological
structural features of the compound eyes and optic lobes of the
cricket (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). [Methods] The histological structure of the compound
eye and optic lobe of 30 crickets was observed and analyzed using scanning
electron microscopy and histological biopsy techniques. [Results] The compound eye was comprised of about 3 400 small hexagonal eyes. In the gaps between
the small eyes, there are mechanoreceptors, which are sensory hair and
bell-shaped receptors. Each small eye is comprised of a cornea, crystalline
cone, rhabdome, 6 retinal cells and basement membrane, etc. The optic lobe has
two fan-shaped structures and is comprised of three major networks of nerve
fibers, the ganglion layer, outer medulla and inner medulla. [Conclusion] There are a few sensory hairs
and bell-shaped receptors on the surface of the compound eyes of crickets. Each
small eye is comprised of a cornea, crystalline cone, rhabdome, 6 retinal cells,
basement membrane, etc. and the arrangement of small eyes is juxtaposed. The optic
lobe is comprised of three major networks of nerve fibers.