Phototaxis of adult Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens)
王争艳** 苗世远 鲁玉杰
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作者单位:河南工业大学粮油食品学院,河南粮食作物协同创新中心,粮食储藏安全河南省协同创新中心,郑州 450001
中文关键词:锈赤扁谷盗, 趋光性, 光源波长, 日龄, 交配状态
英文关键词:Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens), phototaxis, wavelength, age, mating status
【目的】 研究灯光诱捕技术防治锈赤扁谷盗Cryptolestes ferrugineus(Stephens)的可行性。【方法】 在实验室条件下测定了锈赤扁谷盗成虫对不同光源的趋光反应。【结果】 锈赤扁谷盗成虫对实验所选取的光源都有一定的趋性。在可见光中,对主波长为575 nm的光源的趋性最强,对430、495、620、530和450 nm光源的趋性依次降低。在紫外光中,对主波长为385 nm的光源的趋性显著高于对主波长为365、375和395 nm的光源;1~10日龄的锈赤扁谷盗成虫,随日龄的增加,成虫趋光性先增强后有所减弱;雌虫的趋光性高于雄虫,且交配状态会影响雌虫和雄虫的趋光性。交配会抑制雄虫的趋光性,但是交配后的雌虫的趋光性增强;短期饥饿处理和灯光经历对害虫趋光性无显著影响。【结论】 锈赤扁谷盗成虫对光波长的选择偏好性证实了其灯光诱捕技术的可行性。
[Objectives] To verify the feasibility of light trapping as a means of controlling Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens). [Methods] The phototaxis of C. ferrugineus adults was tested with different lights under laboratory conditions. [Results] C. ferrugineus adults showed positive phototaxis to all lights tested. Among the visible lights tested, that with a main wavelength of 575 nm elicited the highest phototaxic response, followed by those with main wavelengths of 430, 495, 620, 530 and 450 nm. Among the ultraviolet lights tested, that with a main wavelength of 385 nm elicited the highest phototaxic response, followed by those with main wavelengths of 365, 375 and 395 nm. Phototaxis in one to 10 day old beetles initially increased, stabilized, and then declined to some extent with age. Females exhibited stronger phototaxis than males. In addition, mating status had a significant effect on the phototaxis of both males and females; phototaxis in males was significantly inhibited by mating but mated females showed stronger phototaxis than virgin females. Short-term starvation and prior experience of the same light source did not influence phototaxis. [Conclusion] Preference of adult C. ferrugineus for specific light wavelengths confirms the feasibility of light trapping as a means of controlling this pest.