一种珍稀蝴蝶大帛斑蝶Idea leuconoe(Eriehson)的人工饲养方法
The new method for captive rearing of a rare butterfly, Idea leuconoe (Eriehson)
廖怀建** 杜 婷 刘微芬 王 庆 石 雷***
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作者单位:中国林业科学研究院资源昆虫研究所/国家林业局资源昆虫培育与利用重点实验室,昆明 650224
英文关键词:Idea leuconoe, rearing method, reproduction-net-room, survival, fecundity
【目的】 针对现有大帛斑蝶Idea leuconoe(Eriehson)饲养方法中无法有效回避高温造成的成虫大量死亡,卵空壳或干瘪失水的问题,本研究发明了一种新的繁殖网纹室来规模化人工饲养大帛斑蝶的方法。【方法】 本研究测定了在新发明和普通繁殖网纹室的饲养下,大帛斑蝶的存活、交配成功率、产卵量和卵孵化率,并对新发明和普通繁殖网纹室之间的参数进行了对比。【结果】 采用新发明繁殖网纹室饲养的大帛斑蝶幼虫化蛹率为90.75%±1.12%,蛹羽化率为91.36%±2.43%,均维持在90%以上,均极显著高于普通繁殖网纹室;从幼虫发育到成虫的存活率为82.93%±2.55%,也极显著高于普通繁殖网纹室;在15日龄内,相对于普通繁殖网纹室,新发明繁殖网纹室饲养的存活的成虫,取食频率较高,活跃性较高,虫体比较健壮,且此时成虫存活率显著较高,为81.22%±2.07%;利用新发明繁殖网纹室饲养的成虫,其雌蝶交配成功率为81.67%±4.77%,每雌产卵量为(269.32±9.85)粒,卵孵化率为85.88%±1.93%,均极显著高于普通繁殖网纹室;本研究新发明的繁殖网纹室,可以有效的营造一个温度显著低于空气温度的小环境,供大帛斑蝶躲避高温灼伤。【结论】 通过在本研究新发明繁殖网纹室的饲养,大帛斑蝶存活率、交配成功率和繁殖力均维持在较高的水平上,显著高于普通繁殖网纹室,能够保证为市场提供充足的大帛斑蝶虫源,避免农民养殖户的损失。
[Objectives] To solve various problems associated with current methods of rearing Idea leuconoe (Eriehson) in captivity, including mass death of adults due to high temperatures and empty, or dehydrated, eggs. [Methods] The survival, mating success, number of eggs per female and hatchability of I. leuconoe reared in a newly developed type of net-room, and in an ordinary net-room, were measured and compared. [Results] The pupation rate of larvae and the eclosion rate of pupae in the new facility were 90.75%±1.12% and 91.3%±2.43%, respectively, both significantly higher than those in the ordinary net-room. Survival of larvae to adulthood in the new facility was (82.93%±2.55%), also significantly higher than that in the ordinary net-room. Compared to the ordinary net-room, the survival of fifteen-day-old adults in the new facility was markedly higher; 81.20%±2.10%. The mating success of females (81.70%±4.80%), number of eggs per female (269.32±9.85), and the hatchability of eggs (85.88%±1.93%), were significantly higher in the new facility than in an ordinary net-room. The new captive breeding facility provided a better microclimate in which the temperature was significant lower, thereby avoiding mortality through heat stress. [Conclusion] The survival, mating success and fecundity of I. leuconoe reared in a newly developed rearing facility were all significantly higher than those in an ordinary net-room. Use of this new type of facility should therefore increase the profitability of commercially farming this species.