Development of fly lures from food flavor chemicals
王争艳1** 赵亚茹1 鲁玉杰1*** 刘宪雄2
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作者单位:1. 河南工业大学粮油食品学院,河南粮食作物协同创新中心,粮食储藏安全河南省协同创新中心,郑州 450001;2. 盛怡(香港)有限公司,东莞 523001
中文关键词:蝇类, 引诱剂, 食物源物质, 发酵, 干燥方法
英文关键词:fly, attractant, food flavor chemicals, fermentation, dehydration method
【目的】 研制一种高效环保的蝇类引诱剂制剂。【方法】 通过室外诱捕实验确定蝇类引诱剂的配方,并对其加工工艺参数进行优化。【结果】 由食物源气味物质组成的引诱剂Ⅲ具有较高的活性;引诱剂Ⅲ经32℃发酵9 d,冷冻干燥后,其制剂室外引诱效果最好。从开始诱捕的第8至第31天,其蝇类累计引诱数量显著高于商品引诱剂。【结论】 持久高效、成本低廉和环境兼容性好的特点使引诱剂Ⅲ制剂在蝇类综合治理中具有较好的应用前景。
[Objectives] To develop an environmentally-friendly and effective fly lure. [Methods] The chemical composition of a novel fly lure, and processing parameters for its formulation, were optimized through field trapping tests. [Results] Lure III, which was based on food flavor chemicals, exceeded all other lures tested in attractiveness. After fermentation at 32℃ for 9 days, the lyophilizate content of lure III exhibited the strongest attractiveness to flies of all formulations tested, attracting significantly more flies than commercial lures from the 8th to the 31st day of trapping. [Conclusion] Because of its long-lasting efficacy, cheapness of its raw materials, and high environmental-friendliness, lure III could be a promising formulation for integrated fly control.