Evaluation of using insect-proof nets to control Bradysia odoripaga in Chinese chive crops and the effects of nets on the growth of Chinese chives
周仙红1** 赵 楠2 陈 浩1 庄乾营1 张思聪1 于 毅1***
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作者单位:1. 山东省农业科学院植物保护研究所,济南 250100;2. 山东省莱州市农业技术推广站,莱州 261400
英文关键词:insect nets, mesh, Bradysia odoriphaga, chive
【目的】 为了指导田间正确使用防虫网控制韭菜迟眼蕈蚊Bradysia odoriphaga,本文明确了防虫网对成虫的隔离作用和对韭菜生长的影响。【方法】 实验室内测定了韭菜迟眼蕈蚊成虫在不同目数防虫网制成的笼内48 h的逃出率,并通过连续3年的田间小区试验明确防虫网对韭菜迟眼蕈蚊的控制效果。同时,通过田间单墩韭菜笼罩和小区试验验证不同目数防虫网对韭菜生长的影响。【结果】 随着防虫网目数的增大,韭菜迟眼蕈蚊雌雄成虫逃出率的逐渐降低,20目网袋内雌雄成虫的逃出率接近100%,40~80目网袋内的逃出率在5%~60%之间,100目和120目网袋内逃出率接近0。田间试验证明80目对韭菜迟眼蕈蚊的阻隔效果最好(P<0.05),60目阻隔效果效果优于40目,但差异不显著(P>0.05)。田间单墩韭菜笼罩试验发现防虫网目数大于70目不利于韭菜生长,40目、50目、60目防虫网在干燥季节促进韭菜生长,小区试验进一步验证了80目对韭菜生长不利,40目和60目对韭菜生长无影响或促进韭菜生长。【结论】 40~60目对韭菜迟眼蕈蚊的控制效果较好。
英文摘要:[Objectives] To evaluate the effectiveness of using insect-proof nets to control Bradysia odoripaga in chive fields. [Methods] We determined the escape rate of adult B. odoripaga confined in netting cages for 48 hours under laboratory conditions. We also conducted field trials to determine the effectiveness of netting with different sized mesh in excluding B. odoripaga and improving the growth of chives. [Results] The escape rate of B. odoripaga adults decreased with decreasing mesh size. Escape rates from 20 mesh, 40-80 mesh, to 100-120 mesh, were approximately 100%, 4.43%- 60.55%, and 0, respectively. Field trials showed that 80 mesh was best for excluding chives from B. odoripaga. 60 mesh was better than 40 mesh but not significantly so (P>0.05). Mesh > 70 adversely affected the growth of chives, but 40, 50, 60 mesh promoted the growth of chives in the dry season. The field experiment further verified that 80 mesh nets restrict the growth of chives, and that 40 or 60 mesh nets either improved, or had no effect, on the growth of chives compared to the control group. [Conclusion] We recommend 40-60 mesh insect-proof nets to control B. odoripaga in the field.