Evaluation of the effectiveness of eight pesticides, and two different application methods, for controlling chive gnats
史彩华1, 2** 胡静荣1 李传仁1 张友军2***
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作者单位:1. 长江大学农学院,荆州 434025;2. 中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所,北京 100081
英文关键词:application method, eight kinds of pesticides, chive gnats, effect evaluation
中文摘要:【目的】 为筛选有效防治韭蛆Bradysia odoriphaga Yang et Zhang的药剂及科学合理的施药方法。【方法】 本试验充分抓住韭蛆喜湿这一生物学特性,采用两种不同的施药方法(单次定点淋根法和二次灌根法)评价8种药剂对韭蛆的防治效果。【结果】 同种药剂不同的施药方法,二次灌根法在韭蛆防效、韭菜保苗率和韭菜增产率三方面均明显高于单次定点淋根法。同时,噻虫胺、噻虫嗪和吡虫啉3种药剂单独使用,或分别与辣根素混配,对韭蛆均表现出最佳的防治效果。【结论】 本研究提出了一种科学合理的施药方法,对防治韭蛆具有重要的意义。
[Objectives] To identify more effective pesticides, and better application methods, to control chive gnats. [Methods] We evaluated the effectiveness of eight different pesticides and two different application methods (the single fixed-point irrigation method and the double root irrigation method) against chive gnats. [Results] Compared with the single fixed-point irrigation method, double root-irrigation was more effective in terms of seedling survival ratio and yield. This method performed best when three kinds of pesticides clothianidin, thiamethoxam and imidacloprid, were either used independently, or mixed with athomin. [Conclusion] The results of this study identify pesticides, and an application method, that are effective against chive gnats.