The respiratory metabolism of overwintering Gomphocerus sibiricus (Orthoptera: Acrididae) eggs
何立志1** 刘余平1 闫蒙云1 刘 琼1 李占武2 季 荣1*** 叶小芳1***
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作者单位:1. 新疆师范大学生命科学学院,中亚区域跨境有害生物联合控制国际研究中心,新疆特殊环境物种保护与调控生物学实验室, 乌鲁木齐 830054;2. 新疆维吾尔自治区哈密地区蝗虫鼠害预测预报防治站,哈密 839000
英文关键词:O2 consumption rate, CO2 release rate, metabolic rate, respiratory quotient (RQ), Gomphocerus sibiricus egg
【目的】 西伯利亚蝗Gomphocerus sibiricus L.是新疆亚高山草原和林间草地重要的指示物种,本研究主要探讨西伯利亚蝗卵越冬过程中的呼吸生理变化。【方法】 采用多通道昆虫呼吸系统,逐月测定越冬卵的呼吸率、代谢率和呼吸商等指标,分析其变化特征,并监测其环境温度变化,同时解剖蝗卵以观察胚胎发育进度。【结果】 越冬过程中,蝗卵的呼吸代谢水平总体呈上升趋势,高低顺序为越冬前期<越冬期间<越冬后期。越冬前(8—10月)和越冬期间(11—2月),同阶段各月份之间的呼吸代谢水平无显著差异(P>0.05);越冬后期(3—4月)呼吸率和代谢率显著升高(P<0.05)。越冬前蝗卵的平均呼吸商为0.66,说明其代谢底物主要为脂质;越冬期间蝗卵的平均呼吸商为0.80,表明其代谢底物除脂质外还有部分糖类参与;越冬后期,呼吸商显著升高(P<0.05),平均值为1.01,表明其呼吸代谢底物主要为糖类物质。早期胚胎发育主要发生在越冬前期,此时头、胸、腹和附肢等结构已分化完全;越冬期间胚胎发育停滞;越冬后胚胎发育迅速恢复。【结论】 越冬过程中,西伯利亚蝗卵的呼吸代谢水平与胚胎发育进度密切相关。为适应胚胎发育需要,蝗卵通过调节呼吸代谢水平及代谢底物来调整其生理状态,以适应外界环境条件的周期性变化,从而顺利越冬。
[Objectives] To investigate the respiratory physiology of overwintering eggs of G. sibiricus, an important indicator species in subalpine and forest grasslands in Xinjiang. [Methods] Respiratory rate, metabolic rate and respiratory quotient were measured with Sable Systems from August to April and embryonic development was observed, and temperature measured, monthly. [Results] The respiratory metabolism of locust eggs generally tended to increase during overwintering (pre-winter < winter < post-winter). There was no significance between eggs in different months in pre-winter (Aug.-Oct.) and winter (Nov.-Feb.) (P>0.05), but respiration and metabolic rate increased significantly post-winter (Mar.-Apr.) (P<0.05). The average pre-winter, winter, and post-winter, respiratory quotients of locust eggs were 0.66, 0.80 and 1.01, respectively. These values suggest that the main metabolic substrates during these three periods are fat, fat + carbohydrates, and carbohydrates, respectively. Early embryonic development mainly occurred in pre-winter, when the head, thorax, abdomen and appendages differentiated completely. Embryonic development arrested during winter, but resumed rapidly post-winter. [Conclusion] Respiratory metabolism is closely related to the process of embryonic development during overwintering. In order to survive the winter, G. sibiricus eggs adjust their physiological state by constantly regulating their respiratory metabolism and metabolic substrates to adapt to changing external environmental conditions.