晋中万柏林生态园不同海拔及干扰程度 访桃花昆虫群落差异
Differences between insect communities visiting Prunus persica flowers in habitats at different altitudes and with different degrees of disturbance in the Wanbailin Ecological Garden, Shanxi, China
杜秀娟1** 尚利娜2 任炳忠3 刘俊英1 杞 杰1 武晓红1 时宝凌1 张金荣1
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作者单位:1. 山西林业职业技术学院林学系,太原 030009;2. 太原理工大学《煤炭转化》编辑部,太原 030024; 3. 东北师范大学生命科学学院,长春 130024
英文关键词:Prunus persica, visiting P. persica flower insect, species richness, abundance, diversity, difference
【目的】 明确万柏林生态园不同海拔及干扰程度访桃花昆虫群落组成、丰富度、多度和多样性参数差异。【方法】 不同海拔高度,设置不同生境样地,定点定树拍照法采样,利用统计学分析方法,分析万柏林生态园不同海拔及干扰程度分类阶元访桃花昆虫群落物种组成、丰富度、多度及多样性。【结果】 经鉴定,万柏林生态园共采集访桃花昆虫126个体,15种;游人汽车干扰强小生境、汽车干扰小生境、游人汽车干扰强生境、汽车干扰生境、游人汽车干扰弱生境、游人干扰生境中各采到访桃花昆虫7种、4种、7种、4种、10种和8种。相同年份内游人汽车干扰强小生境与游人汽车干扰强生境、汽车干扰强生境访桃花昆虫群落极相似(q =1.000),游人汽车干扰强小生境、游人汽车干扰强生境与汽车干扰小生境、汽车干扰生境访桃花昆虫群落极不相似(q = 0.100);低海拔样地访桃花昆虫群落丰富度(R = 10)和多度(P = 46)分别低于高海拔样地访桃花昆虫群落丰富度(R = 12)和多度(P = 82)。【结论】 不同海拔及干扰程度访桃花昆虫群落丰富度、多度和多样性参数存在差异;不同干扰程度桃园生境中特有访桃花昆虫物种可作为生境指示物种;优势访桃花昆虫物种可作为桃树传粉昆虫。万柏林生态园桃树花期与果成熟期,干扰严重,需要大力保护花期与果期桃园。
[Objectives] To determine differences in the composition, species richness, abundance, and diversity, of the insect communities visiting flowering Prunus persica in habitats with different degrees of disturbance in Wanbailin Ecological Garden, China. [Methods] Species composition, richness, abundance and diversity of the insect communities visiting flowering P. persica in habitats with various degrees of disturbance in Wanbailin Ecological Garden were investigated by taking pictures of each habitat and sample tree. [Results] A total of 126 individuals of 15 flower-visiting insect species were collected. The results show that TADM, ADM, TADH, ADH, TADW, TDH species richness were 7, 4, 7, 4, 10 and 8, respectively. The most similar habitats had a q value of 1.000 whereas the least similar habitats had a q value of 0.100. Flower-visiting insect community species richness at low altitude sites (R=10) were lower than at high altitude sites (R=12), but insect abundance at low altitude sites (P=46) was higher than at high altitude sites (P=82). [Conclusion] There were significant differences among the flower-visiting insect communities associated with flowering P. persica at habitats with various degrees of disturbance in Wanbailin Ecological Garden. Pollinators of P. Persica were the dominant species. Large numbers of people visiting and taking photos and associated motor vehicle activity caused serious disturbance to flower-visiting insects during the P. Persica flowering and fruiting period. Better management of human and motor vehicle activity is required to improve pollination of P. Persica in the Wanbailin Ecological Garden.