potato tuber moth, larval density, number of eggs laid, reproduction
李宗锴1** 王春娅1** 胡纯华2 董智森1 王伟丹1 赵贵科1 董文霞1***
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作者单位:1. 云南农业大学植物保护学院,昆明 650201;2. 云南农业大学职业与继续教育学院,昆明 650201
英文关键词:1. College of Plant Protection, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming 650201, China; 2. College of Continuing Education and Vocational Education, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming 650201, China
【目的】 为了研究马铃薯块茎蛾Phthorimaea operculella(Zeller)幼虫的饲养密度对生殖的影响。【方法】 本实验研究并比较了两种幼虫密度(15头/130 g块茎、45头/130 g块茎)的马铃薯块茎蛾成虫按照1∶5和1∶1比例交配后代的产卵量、畸形卵率、孵化率、化蛹率、羽化率、性比等生物学参数。【结果】 高幼虫密度饲养的马铃薯块茎蛾化蛹率、羽化率、存活率、性比均显著较低,而幼虫~蛹的历期显著短于正常幼虫密度的。两种密度成虫按1∶5头配对产卵,若雄性亲本为高幼虫密度饲养则卵的孵化率显著较低,若雌性亲本为高幼虫密度饲养则产卵量较低,畸形卵率显著较高。两种密度雌雄虫均为5头进行配对时,正常幼虫密度雌虫其所产卵的畸形率显著较低,产卵量、卵孵化率均显著较高,后代幼虫历期、化蛹率显著较高。而高幼虫密度雌虫其所产卵则受雄虫影响,亲代为高密度雄虫则畸形率较低,孵化率较高。【结论】 高幼虫密度饲养的雄、雌虫生殖活力均降低。高幼虫密度雌虫可受高幼虫密度雄虫的诱导提高生殖能力,并影响其后代性比从而调节其种群动态。
[Objectives] To investigate the effect of larval density on the reproduction of Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller), [Methods] Larvae were reared at high density (45 larvae/130 g potato) or normal larval density (15 larvae / 130 g potato) and then paired at sex ratios of 1∶5 and 1∶1. Reproductive parameters of the resultant offspring, including egg number, proportion of abnormal eggs, egg hatch rate, pupation rate, emergence rate, and sex ratio, were measured. [Results] The pupation rate, emergence rate, survival rate, and sex ratio of the offspring of the high density group were significantly lower than those of the offspring of the normal density group, but their larval and pupal periods were also significantly shorter. When females and males were paired at a ratio of 1∶5, the hatching rate of eggs decreased significantly if the males were from the high density group; whereas if females were from the high density group, the proportion of abnormal eggs was significantly higher. However, if females were from the normal density group, the proportion of abnormal eggs was significantly lower at a sex ratio of 1∶1 (5 females to 5 males), and the egg number, hatch rate, larval duration and pupation rate were significantly higher. The viability of eggs laid by females of the high density group was affected by male origin. When males were from the high density group, the proportion of abnormal eggs decreased, and the hatch rate increased. [Conclusion] Rearing larvae at high density reduced the subsequent fertility rate of both female and male adults. However, mating with male from the high density group improved the reproductive capacity of females from that group, which could affect both the sex ratio and
population dynamics.