Preference of Thrips hawaiiensis for different colors
夏西亚1, 2** 付步礼1*** 邱海燕1 唐良德1 李 强4 刘 奎1, 3***
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作者单位:1. 中国热带农业科学院环境与植物保护研究所,海口 571101;2. 华中农业大学植物科学技术学院,武汉 430070; 3. 农业部热带作物有害生物综合治理重点实验室,海口 571101;4. 广西大学农药与环境毒理研究所,南宁 530005
英文关键词:Thrips hawaiiensis, behavior response, colors, sticky cards
【目的】 评估黄胸蓟马 Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan)对不同颜色的行为响应,以期为黄胸蓟马的诱控技术提供科学依据。【方法】 室内采用选择性试验,利用正六角体装置研究黄胸蓟马对不同颜色的敏感性和最佳波长的筛选;并在香蕉园内研究10种基本色粘虫板对黄胸蓟马的诱集效应,在此基础上进行嗜好色板不同悬挂高度(距离地面50、120、220 cm)、放置方式(平行、垂直于作物行)对黄胸蓟马的诱集效果比较。【结果】 室内结果表明,蓝色对黄胸蓟马的诱集虫数显著高于其余颜色,且波长为480 nm的蓝色对黄胸蓟马吸引力最强;田间试验也发现深、浅蓝色诱虫板对黄胸蓟马诱集虫数较高,其次为黄色,均显著高于其余色板;色板悬挂高度、悬挂方式均能显著影响诱集效果,高度为220 cm下诱集虫数显著高于120 cm、50 cm;色板以平行于作物行悬挂时诱集虫数明显多于以垂直于作物行悬挂。【结论】 可利用蓝板对黄胸蓟马种群进行监测与诱控技术的研发。
[Objectives] To provide a scientific basis for improving traps used to control the thrip, Thrips hawaiiensis by investigating its response to different colors. [Methods] Indoor selective tests using regular hexagonal devices determined T. hawaiiensis’s sensitivity to different colors and field studies conducted in banana plantations assessed the relative effectiveness of sticky card traps of 10 different colors. Moreover, the influence of different trap heights (50, 120 and 220 cm from the ground) and trap placements (parallel and perpendicular to the crop rows) of blue sticky cards were compared. [Results] Blue cards captured significantly more T. hawaiiensis than other colors and those with a wavelength of 480 nm were the most attractive to T. hawaiiensis. The results of the field trials indicated that deep and light blue sticky cards trapped the most T. hawaiiensis, followed by yellow cards. Furthermore, hanging cards 220 cm from the ground and placing them in a south-north orientation was more effective. [Conclusion] Taken together, these findings demonstrate that T. hawaiiensis was most sensitive to blue and suggests that blue sticky traps are superior to those of other colors for monitoring the population dynamics of this pest.