Effects of temperature and humidity on the flight capacity of Exorista civilis Rondani
韩海斌1** 王梦圆2 刘爱萍1*** 于凤春3 王世明4 张爱萍5
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作者单位:1. 中国农业科学院草原研究所,呼和浩特 010010;2. 太仆寺旗农产品质量安全检验检测站,宝昌 027000; 3. 锡盟太仆寺旗草原站,宝昌 027000,4. 临河区草原站,临河 015000;5. 四子王旗兽医卫生监督所 乌兰花 011800
英文关键词: Exorista civilis, temperature, humidity, flight capacity, natural enemies control, host searching
【目的】 草地螟Loxostege sticticalis L.是我国北方天然草原和人工草原上的一种重要害虫,伞裙追寄蝇Exorista civilis Rondani,是草地螟优势性寄生天敌之一,是控制草地螟发生为害及种群动态的重要因素。研究不同温度和湿度对伞裙追寄蝇飞行能力的影响,探索其飞行规律,可为利用伞裙追寄蝇田间寄生防控草地螟提供依据。【方法】 通过昆虫飞行磨系统测定了不同温湿度梯度下伞裙追寄蝇雌雄蝇的飞行距离、时间、速度等飞行能力指标。【结果】 不同温度条件下,伞裙追寄蝇在21℃飞行能力最佳,飞行距离、飞行时间、平均飞行速度分别为:5.4543 km、2.7392 h、2.2469 km/h;不同湿度条件下,湿度为40%时寄蝇飞行能力最好,飞行距离、飞行时间、平均飞行速度分别为:5.7043 km、2.6594 h、1.8327 km/h。【结论】 在一定温度范围内,伞裙追寄蝇的飞行能力在21℃时较好,随后其飞行能力随温度的升高而下降。在一定湿度范围内,伞裙追寄蝇的飞行能力在湿度为40%时飞最好,不同性别的伞裙追寄蝇飞行能力无显著差异。
[Objectives] To determine the effects of temperature and relative humidity on the flight capacity of Exorista civilis Rondani, a potential biological control for Loxostege sticticalis L., an important pest of natural and artificial grasslands in northern China. [Methods] A flight-mill system was used to measure the flight capacity of E. civilis under different temperature and humidity conditions. [Results] The optimal flight temperature was 21℃, at which the flight distance, flight time and average flight speed were 5.4543 km, 2.7392 h and 2.2469 km/h, respectively. The optimal flight humidity was 40% RH, at which the flight distance, flight time, average flight speed were 5.7043 km, 2.6594 h and 1.8327 km/h, respectively. [Conclusion] The flight capacity of E. civilis peaked at 21℃, after which it decreased with increasing temperature. The optimal flight capacity of E. civilis occurred at a relative humidity of 40%. There was no significant difference between the flight capacity of males and females.