黄胸蓟马对乙基多杀菌素的抗性 选育及抗性风险评估
Selection and risk assessment of spinetoram resistance in Thrips hawaiiensis
付步礼1, 3** 夏西亚1, 4 李 强1, 3 邱海燕1 唐良德1 谢艺贤1 曾
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作者单位:1. 中国热带农业科学院环境与植物保护研究所,海口 571101;2. 农业部热带作物有害生物综合治理重点实验室,海口 571101; 3. 广西大学农业环境与农产品安全重点实验室培育基地,南宁530005;4. 华中农业大学植物科学技术学院,武汉 430070
英文关键词:Thrips hawaiiensis, spinetoram, insecticide resistance, risk assessment
【目的】 评估黄胸蓟马 Thrips hawaiiensis 对乙基多杀菌素的抗性发展动态、抗性风险,旨在为该虫的科学防治及合理用药提供理论依据。【方法】 毒力测定采用叶管药膜法(TIBS),采用群体淘汰法获得黄胸蓟马对乙基多杀菌素的抗性种群,并采用Tabashnik的域性状分析法计算抗性现实遗传力(h2) 和测算不同选择压下抗性发展速率。【结果】 经过20代17次的选育,黄胸蓟马对乙基多杀菌素的抗性达19.42倍,平均抗性现实遗传力h2为0.1317;根据抗性发展规律,获得4个选育阶段的h2,分别为0.1960(G1~G3)、0.1796(G5~G9)、0.1262(G11~G14)和0.0944(G16~G20);通过平均抗性现实遗传力h2=0.1317,预测不同选择压(死亡率=50%、60%、70%、80%、90%、99%)下,抗性上升10倍所需要的代数分别为:16.68代、13.70代、11.21代、9.52代、7.55代、2.55代。【结论】 黄胸蓟马对乙基多杀菌素具有一定的抗性风险,应注意科学合理用药。
[Objectives] To assess the risk of spinetoram resistance in Thrips hawaiiensis and provide a theoretical basis for the rational application of insecticides to control these pests. [Methods] The thrips insecticide bioassay system (TIBS) was used to bioassay different insecticides. A resistant population of thrips was established by group selection, and realized heritability (h2) and resistance development rates were estimated using the threshold trait analysis method. [Results] The T. hawaiiensis strain developed 19.42-fold resistance to spinetoram after 17 generations of selection over 20 generations. The average h2 of this strain was estimated as 0.1317. According to the pattern of spinetoram resistance development in T. hawaiiensis, h2 values in four stages of resistance development were 0.1960 (G1-G3), 0.1796 (G5-G9), 0.1262 (G11-G14) and 0.0944 (G16-G20), respectively. Based on the average h2 of 0.1317, it was predicted that T. hawaiiensis would need 16.68, 13.70、11.21、9.52、7.55、2.55 generations to develop 10-fold resistance to spinetoram under selection pressures (mortality) of 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% and 99%, respectively. [Conclusion] These findings indicate that T. hawaiiensis is capable of developing resistance to spinetoram, and that this insecticide should therefore be used rationally in the field.