Dynamics of flowering and petal fall in apricots and an investigation of apricot pollinators
宫庆涛** 武海斌 张坤鹏 牛庆霖 孙瑞红***
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作者单位:山东省果树研究所,泰安 271000
英文关键词:apricot flower, blooming, dropping, dynamics, pollinators
【目的】杏Armeniaca vulgaris是我国重要的传统果树品种之一,属早春开花植物,其授粉过程易受自然环境和访花昆虫因素影响。掌握杏开花与落花动态以及访花昆虫的种类和访花节律,对于研究杏花花期预测预报、访花昆虫生物学规律及田间配置具有重要意义。【方法】 通过调查杏花逐日开花和落花动态,并进行逻辑斯蒂方程拟合分析,建立杏花开花和落花预测预报模型。采用目测、网捕、拍照和摄像等方法对访花昆虫种类和活动节律进行调查,并对访花昆虫活动节律进行了多项式拟合,建立回归方程。【结果】 金太阳杏、凯特杏和珍珠油杏开花初见日、高峰日、终见日和历期均无显著差异;除落花历期外,3个品种杏花落花初见日、高峰日、终见日均存在显著差异。逻辑斯蒂拟合发现,3个品种开花和落花盛期历期由长到短的顺序为:凯特杏>金太阳杏>珍珠油杏,花期为:珍珠油杏>凯特杏>金太阳杏。访花昆虫共发现11种,分属6目8科10属,中华蜜蜂Apis cerana ceraca Fabricius占所有访花昆虫数量的98.7%,访花高峰期出现在10:00—14:00,其访花活动节律符合方程y=﹣0.2977x3+1.6947x2+6.4193x﹣11.3780。【结论】 综合以上试验结果,认为珍珠油杏花期较长,有利于访花昆虫充分传粉和人工辅助授粉,但易遭受冻害、霜害影响,凯特杏次之,金太阳杏受害风险则较小,但可能授粉不充分。因此,杏产业发展应根据种植区域自然、人力条件等选择合适品种栽植。根据访花昆虫的活动节律,应尽量避免在花期尤其是10:00—14:00之间进行农事操作,以免影响昆虫传粉。
[Objectives] Apricots are an important traditional fruit variety and an early spring blooming plant. The process of pollination in apricots is influenced by both climatic factors and pollinators. Understanding the dynamics of flowering and petal fall in apricots, and the species and activity rhythm of pollinators of apricots, is important for predicting fruit set and determining optimal conditions for pollinators. [Methods] We recorded the number of apricot flowers that opened and dropped petals daily and used logistic regression to model flowering and petal fall. We also investigated the species and activity rhythms of pollinators on apricot flowers by visual observation, net capturing, photographing, and imaging methods, and fitted a polynomial model to these data. [Results] There was no significant difference in the beginning, peak, end, and length of flowering period, of Golden sun, Katy and Pearl oil apricots, but there were significant differences in the beginning, peak, end and length of the petal fall period among these three varieties. The logistic model indicated that the three varieties could be ordered according to length of petal fall in descending order as follows: Katy apricot > Golden sun apricot > Pearl oil apricot, and in terms of length of the flowering period: Pearl oil apricot > Katy apricot >Golden sun apricot. Eleven species of pollinators were identified, belonging to 6 orders, 8 families and 10 genera. Apis cerana ceraca Fabricius accounted for 98.7% of the total number of pollinators identified. The peak visiting time of pollinators was from 10:00 to 14:00. The activity rhythm of pollinators on apricot flowers fitted the equation y=﹣0.2977x3+1.6947x2+6.4193x﹣11.3780. [Conclusion] The flowering stage of the Pearl oil apricot was the longest and this variety benefited most from adequate pollinators and artificial supplementary pollination. This variety was also vulnerable to freezing and frost damage. Damage to Golden sun apricots was minimal, but pollination may often be insufficient. The apricot industry should select appropriate plant varieties based on natural and human conditions in specific growth regions. Farming operations should be minimized during the flowering stage, especially between 1 000 and 1 400, to avoid disturbing pollinators.