斑翅果蝇Drosophila suzukii Matsumura 生物防治研究进展
Progress in research on the biological control of Drosophila suzukii Matsumura
蔡普默1, 2** 李 萍3 谢冬生4 杨普云3 于 戈4 杨建全1, 2 肖
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作者单位:1. 联合国(中国)实蝇防控研究中心,福州 350002;2. 福建农林大学植物保护学院益虫研究所,福州 350002; 3. 全国农业技术推广服务中心,北京 100125;4. 农业部对外经济合作中心,北京 100026;5. 云南农业大学,昆明 650201
英文关键词:Drosophila suzukii, parasitoids, predatory enemies, entomopathogenic microorganism, biological control
中文摘要:本文简要概述了近年来国内外在斑翅果蝇Drosophila suzukii Matsumura生物防治研究方面取得的主要进展,内容包括自然天敌寄生蜂、捕食性天敌和病原微生物的研究与利用。目前,国内外对斑翅果蝇生物防治的研究,集中在寄生蜂资源调查和实验室内防治效果的研究,目前发现与斑翅果蝇相关的寄生蜂种类最多的是开臂反颚茧蜂Asobara。而对于捕食性天敌和病原微生物的研究还停留在实验室测试阶段,尚未深入田间应用。本文还讨论了今后斑翅果蝇生物防治的研究方向,以期为斑翅果蝇可持续控制提供生物防治方面的参考。
Recent advances in the biological control of Drosophila suzukii Matsumura are reviewed, including the application of parasitoids and predatory insects and entomopathogenic microorganisms. Research on the biological control of D. suzukii has focused on resource investigation and the control effect of parasitoids, most of the parasitoids of D. suzukii identified so far have been of the genus Asobara. Research on predatory natural enemies and entomopathogenic microorganisms has been conducted in the laboratory, rather than in the field. The future direction of research on the biological control of D. suzukii is discussed with the aim of providing a reference for the biological control of this pest.