The seasonal abundance of Drosophila suzukii in orchards and seasonal variation in fruit damage caused by this pest
赵 超1** 李 萍3** 谢冬生4 胡纯华1 熊 焰1 何丽英2 李卫虹2
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作者单位:1. 云南农业大学,昆明 650201; 2. 云南省石屏县植保植检站,石屏 662200; 3. 农业部全国农业技术推广服务中心病虫防治处,北京 100125;4. 农业部对外经济合作中心欧洲处,北京 100125
英文关键词:Drosophila suzukii, occurrence, pupation, removal of dropped fruits
【目的】 明确斑翅果蝇Drosophila suzukii在杨梅园的发生为害特性,为斑翅果蝇的综合防治提供科学依据。【方法】 2016年4月至7月在红河州石屏县采用糖醋酒溶液诱捕斑翅果蝇成虫,调查斑翅果蝇的田间种群动态;从果园采集鲜果及落果带回室内观察虫果率;从土壤中取样以调查土壤中斑翅果蝇蛹量;通过定期清除落果评价果园清洁对斑翅果蝇种群的影响。【结果】 斑翅果蝇在4月下旬至7月中旬在杨梅园均有发生,其发生高峰期在在6月底至7月初。在斑翅果蝇发生高峰期,杨梅果实的被害率可达100%。新鲜虫害果及落果中既有斑翅果蝇也有其它果蝇。这表明多种果蝇可同时为害杨梅果实。斑翅果蝇除了可在果实中化蛹外,也有少量入土化蛹。清理地上落果会显著降低果园中斑翅果蝇的种群数量。【结论】 斑翅果蝇与其它种类果蝇混合发生、为害杨梅鲜果。及时清除地上落果能显著降低果园斑翅果蝇种群数量。
[Objectives] To improve control of Drosophila suzukii by providing information on the seasonal abundance of this pest and the damage it causes to fruit crops. [Methods] The population dynamics of D. suzukii were investigated by trapping adults with a sweet lure (sugar + vinegar +alcohol) in a bayberry orchard in Shiping County from April to July in 2016. Fresh and fallen fruits were collected in orchards and kept in a laboratory to investigate the percentage of infested fruits. Soil samples were obtained from orchards to determine if there were pupae in soil. Regular removal of fallen fruit was evaluated as a means of reducing D. suzukii abundance in orchards. [Results] D. suzukii occurred from April to mid-July in bayberry orchards and reached peak abundance at the end June when 100% of fruits were infested. Several Drosophila species could be found in infested fruits. D. suzukii can pupate in both fruit and soil. Timely removal of fallen fruit significantly reduced the number of D. suzukii in orchards. [Conclusion] Drosophila suzukii, together with other Drosophila species, can infest bayberry fruits. Timely removal of fallen fruit can significantly reduce the abundance of D. suzukii in orchards.