高原蔗区甘蔗螟虫种群结构及螟害 枯心苗发生规律
Community structure of the sugarcane borer and the frequency of occurrence of borer-damaged dead sugarcane hearts during the seedling stage in paddy, and upland, sugar cane fields
罗志明** 尹 炯 黄应昆*** 李文凤 张荣跃 单红丽 王晓燕 仓晓燕
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作者单位:云南省农业科学院甘蔗研究所,开远 661699
中文关键词:甘蔗苗期, 螟虫, 种群结构, 发生规律
【目的】 明确不同种植制度下甘蔗螟虫种群结构及螟害枯心苗发生规律特征,以期为指导预警监测和制定防控措施奠定基础。【方法】 应用自然种群接虫方法,定期调查不同植期、不同品种螟害枯心苗,对螟虫种群结构、枯心苗苗龄及螟虫幼虫龄期特征、枯心苗动态等指标进行分析。【结果】 水田蔗区以大螟Sesamia inferens Walker为主,伴有少量黄螟Argyroploce schistaceana Snellen,旱地蔗区以大螟为主,伴有二点螟Chilo infuscatellus Snellen和极少量黄螟。甘蔗低苗龄时,枯心苗中2龄幼虫数量最多,随着苗龄的增加,枯心苗中3龄、4龄等幼虫逐渐增多。其中,大螟为害枯心苗集中在6~8叶,枯心苗中幼虫以3龄和4龄为多;黄螟为害枯心苗集中在4~8叶,枯心苗中幼虫以3龄和5龄为多;二点螟为害枯心苗集中在5~8叶,枯心苗中幼虫以3龄和4龄为多。不论水田旱地,甘蔗苗期螟害枯心苗均会出现波动,但水田蔗区较旱地蔗区波动小。【结论】 不同种植制度螟虫种群结构不同,不同螟虫和甘蔗品种影响枯心苗特征及其发生动态。
[Objectives] To determine the community structure of the sugarcane borer, the frequency of borer-damaged dead hearts in different cropping systems, and lay a foundation for the monitoring and control of borers. [Methods] We surveyed the frequency of borer-damaged, dead, sugarcane hearts in different cropping system and in different sugarcane varieties with natural borer infestations and analyzed the community structure of borers, the characteristics of borer-damaged dead hearts, and the dynamics of borer-damaged dead hearts. [Results] Sesamia inferens were more abundant than Argyroploce schistaceana in paddy fields, and in upland fields species could be ranked in abundance as follows S. inferens > Chilo infuscatellus > A. schistaceana. The second instar was the most common in borer-damaged dead hearts on early sugarcane seedlings. As seedlings grew, the third and fourth instars became progressively more common. In the middle of dead hearts, 3rd-4th instar S. inferens larvae were concentrated on 6-8 leaves whereas 3rd instar A. schistaceana were concentrated on 4-8 leaves and 3rd-4th instar C. infuscatellus larvae were concentrated on 5-8 leaves. The frequency of borer-damaged dead hearts fluctuated in all kinds of sugarcane seedling, but there were smaller fluctuations in paddy fields than upland fields. [Conclusion] Different sugarcane cropping systems had different borer community structures. Characteristics of borer- damaged dead hearts and their frequency of regularity varied with both borer species and sugarcane variety.