异色瓢虫取食棉蚜或棉花花粉后体内 棉花DNA的降解动态
Degradation dynamics of cotton DNA in adult Harmonia axyridis feeding on cotton aphid or cotton pollen
包伟方1, 2** 王 倩2 樊 东1*** 陆宴辉2***
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作者单位:1. 东北农业大学农学院,哈尔滨 150030;2. 植物病虫害生物学国家重点实验室,中国农业科学院植物保护研究所,北京 100193
英文关键词:Harmonia axyridis, Aphis gossypii, cotton plant DNA, PCR, gut content analysis, food composition
【目的】 在农田中,天敌瓢虫主要捕食植食性害虫,从而间接摄入残留在害虫体内的寄主植物DNA;也常取食花粉等植物性食物,直接摄入植物DNA。本文比较研究两种摄入方式下,植物DNA在瓢虫体内的降解和残留动态。【方法】 以异色瓢虫-棉蚜-棉花为研究对象,利用PCR技术检测瓢虫取食棉花上棉蚜、棉花花粉后,体内棉花DNA的残留情况,明确摄入方式、消化时间对棉花DNA检出率的影响效应。【结果】 异色瓢虫成虫取食棉花叶片上的棉蚜,4 h后体内棉花DNA的最大检出率为16.7%,8 h后完全检测不到。瓢虫取食棉花花粉,4 h后体内棉花DNA检出率为70.4%,12 h后为51.9%,16 h后下降为39.3%,20 h后检测不到。【结论】 异色瓢虫取食棉花花粉后,体内棉花DNA残留时间远长于通过捕食棉蚜的摄入方式。这种差异有助于对瓢虫体内由不同方式摄入的植物DNA进行区别分析。
英文摘要: [Objectives] Predatory ladybird beetles consume plant DNA indirectly by preying on herbivorous insect pests, but also directly by ingesting plant foods such as pollen . We assessed the degradation of plant DNA consumed by ladybird beetles via both these routes. [Methods] A tritrophic system, Harmonia axyridis - Aphis gossypii - Gossypium hirsutum, was used for this study. Cotton plant DNA in ladybird beetles was detected using PCR technology after feeding on A. gossypii on cotton leaves, or on cotton pollen, and the effects of digestion time on the DNA detection rate was analyzed. [Results] The maximum detection rate of cotton DNA in H. axyridis adults that had fed on A. gossypii was 16.7% 4 h after feeding. Cotton DNA could not be detected after 8 h. Detection rates of cotton DNA in H. axyridis that had fed on cotton pollen were 70.4% after 4 h, 51.9% after 12 h, and 39.3% after 16 h and 0% after 20 h. [Conclusion] Cotton DNA was detectable for longer in H. axyridis that had fed on cotton pollen than in those that had fed on A. gossypii.