Prey preferences of Orius munutus
宋苞雪** 杨群芳*** 李 庆 蒋春先 王学贵 王海建
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作者单位:四川农业大学农学院,成都 611130
中文关键词: 微小花蝽,朱砂叶螨,桃蚜,西花蓟马,烟粉虱,捕食喜好性
英文关键词: Orius minutus (Linnaeus), Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boisduval), Myzus persicae (Sulzer), Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), prey preference
【目的】 了解微小花蝽Orius minutus(Linnaeus)对4种主要自然猎物的喜好性。【方法】 通过非选择性和选择性试验,室内测定并比较了微小花蝽初孵若虫、刚蜕皮后的5龄若虫和新羽化雌成虫对朱砂叶螨Tetranychus cinnabarinus(Boisduval)成螨、桃蚜Myzus persicae(Sulzer)低龄若虫、西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis(Pergande)2龄若虫和烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)2-3龄若虫的日捕食量和喜好性Ci值。【结果】 非选择性试验结果表明,在4种供试猎物中,微小花蝽初孵若虫对西花蓟马2龄若虫和朱砂叶螨成螨的日捕食量为最大,分别为14.20头/d和12.40头/d,刚蜕皮后的5龄若虫和新羽化雌成虫对朱砂叶螨成螨的日捕食量均为最大,分别为44.40头/d和37.20头/d。选择性试验结果表明,微小花蝽初孵若虫对西花蓟马2龄若虫和朱砂叶螨成螨均表现为正喜好性,其喜好性Ci值无显著差异,刚蜕皮后的5龄若虫和新羽化雌成虫对西花蓟马2龄若虫和桃蚜低龄若虫均表现为正喜好性,2者对西花蓟马的喜好性Ci值均显著大于对桃蚜。【结论】 微小花蝽日捕食量最大的猎物是朱砂叶螨,其次是西花蓟马,而其最喜好的猎物则是西花蓟马。
[Objectives] To clarify the preferences of Orius minutus (Linnaeus) for 4 prey species. [Methods] No-choice and choice tests were used to determine the preference index (Ci) of newly-hatched nymphs, newly-molting 5th instar nymphs, and newly-emerged female adults, of O. minutus for 4 species of prey; adult Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boisduval), low-instar Myzus persicae (Sulzer) nymphs, 2nd instar Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) nymphs, and 2nd to 3rd instar Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) nymphs. [Results] In no-choice tests, more 2nd instar F. occidentalis nymphs and adult T. cinnabarinus were consumed per day (14.20 individuals/d and 12.40 individuals/d, respectively) by newly-hatched nymphs than other prey types. Newly-molting 5th instar nymphs consumed 44.40 T. cinnabarinus adults/d and newly-emerged female adults consumed 37.20 T. cinnabarinus adults/d, the highest consumption rate among the 4 prey types offered. In choice tests, newly-hatched nymphs preferred both 2nd instar F. occidentalis nymphs and adult T. cinnabarinus with no significant difference in the Ci for these prey types. Newly-molting 5th instar nymphs and newly-emerged female adults preferred 2nd instar F. occidentalis nymphs and low-instar M. persicae nymphs, and the Ci for 2nd instar F. occidentalis nymphs was significantly higher than that for low-instar M. persicae nymphs. [Conclusion] Of the four prey types evaluated, O. minutus consumed the most T. cinnabarinus, followed by F. occidentalis, however, its most preferred prey was F. occidentalis.