Diversity, and roles, of pathogens and symbionts in ticks
张艳凯** 刘敬泽***
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作者单位:河北省动物生理生化与分子生物学重点实验室,河北师范大学生命科学学院,石家庄 050024
英文关键词: ticks; pathogens; symbionts; tick-borne diseases; function and mechanism
are obligate blood-sucking arthropods, which can feed on mammals, birds,
reptiles and amphibians. Ticks are reservoirs for various pathogens which they transmit
to both humans and animals. The tick-borne diseases induced by these pathogens
are not only harmful to human and animal health, but also cause significant
economic losses to livestock farmers. Research on ticks is, therefore, both medically
and economically important. This paper reviews previous research on the
diversity of tick-borne pathogens, tick-pathogen-host interaction mechanisms,
tick-borne disease prevention and control, tick symbiont diversity, function
and the mechanisms underlying tick-symbiont interactions. An increase in the
amount of research on ticks and technological advances has resulted in an
obvious improvement in the quality of
research and information available on these pests. These results can not
only reveal more of the biology of ticks, but also help the prevention and
control of tick-borne diseases.