西藏拉萨地区西花蓟马种群生命表 及发生动态研究
Life table and population dynamics of Frankliniella occidentalis in Lhasa, Tibet
袁江江1** 杨 杰2 李传仁1 张友军3 吴青君3***
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作者单位:1. 长江大学农学院,荆州 434025;2. 西藏自治区农牧科学院蔬菜研究所,拉萨 850000; 3. 中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所,北京 100081
英文关键词:Frankliniella occidentalis; Lhasa; life table; population dynamics
【目的】 明确拉萨地区西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis的生物学特性和田间动态规律。 【方法】 建立了该种群的两性生命表,采用黄板诱集成虫的方法调查了日光温室番茄上西花蓟马的周年发生动态。【结果】 该种群西花蓟马成虫前期总发育历期为12.54 d,2龄若虫发育历期为5.62
d,占成虫前期发育历期的44.8%,卵能存活到成虫阶段的概率为0.598。雌虫的平均寿命为27.76 d,雄虫为20.2 d。该种群的内禀增长率(r)和净增殖率(R0)分别为0.153/d和22.817。在拉萨日光温室番茄上西花蓟马能够周年发生,种群增长呈“单峰”型,6月中旬至8月上旬为发生盛期。【结论】 拉萨地区西花蓟马的2龄若虫期明显较长,日光温室中西花蓟马的最佳防治适期在4月初。
[Objectives] To
determine the biological characteristics and population dynamics of Frankliniella occidentalis in Lhasa. [Methods] Life tables for each sex were
compiled, and the population dynamics of F. occidentalis on tomato plants in a
solar greenhouse was investigated using yellow sticky-card traps. [Results] The pre-adult developmental time
of F. occidentalis was 12.54 d, and that of the second instar nymph was 5.62 d,
accounting for 44.8% of the pre-adult period. The probability of eggs surviving to adulthood was 0.598. The
average longevity of females was 15.18 d, whereas that of males was 9.64 d. The
intrinsic rate of increase (r) and
net reproductive rate (R0)
were 0.153/d and 22.817, respectively. Adult F. occidentalis were trapped all year round in the solar greenhouse. The population
growth curve was of the “single peak” type, with the peak corresponding to the
peak of adult emergence from mid-June to early August. [Conclusion] The developmental
period of second instar nymphs of F.
occidentalis in Lhasa city was obviously longer than that of the first
instar, and the optimum control period in greenhouses is in early April.