不同载体植物对二斑叶螨-深点食螨瓢虫 生长发育和繁殖的影响
Effects of different banker plants on the development and reproduction of Tetranychus urticae and Stethorus punctillum
刘晓虹1** 聂海静2 徐家连2 刘玉升1***
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作者单位:1. 山东农业大学植物保护学院,泰安 2710182;2. 临沂新莒农生物科技股份有限公司天敌昆虫繁育中心,临沂 276600
英文关键词:banker plant; Tetranychus urticae; Stethorus punctillum; developmental duration; fecundity
【目的】 筛选出适宜二斑叶螨Tetranychus urticae Koch、深点食螨瓢虫Stethorus punctillum Weise生长发育和繁殖的载体植物,为深点食螨瓢虫的人工生产繁育提供技术支持。【方法】 在(25±1)℃,光周期14L︰10D的条件下,测定二斑叶螨在花生Arachis hypogaea L.、豇豆Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp、玉米Zea
mays L.、辣椒Capsicum annuum L.、茄子Solanum melongena L.上的发育历期、产卵量;深点食螨瓢虫在这5种载体植物上的发育历期、产卵量、成虫获得率等。【结果】 二斑叶螨和深点食螨瓢虫在不同植物上的生长发育和繁殖均存在显著差异,二斑叶螨在花生上的发育历期最短,为9.8 d;在花生和豇豆上的平均产卵量最大,分别是117.2粒和116.0粒。深点食满瓢虫在5种植物上的发育历期由短到长依次为花生和豇豆(差异不显著)、玉米、辣椒、茄子;深点食螨瓢虫在花生、豇豆、玉米、辣椒、茄子上的产卵量依次为112.6粒、103.8粒、85.2粒、68.2粒、53.4粒。成虫获得率在花生、豇豆、玉米、辣椒、茄子上低依次是80.1%、70.3%、66.7%、9.7%、29.8%。【结论】 在花生、豇豆、玉米、辣椒、茄子这5种供试植物中,花生是最适宜二斑叶螨和深点食螨瓢虫繁殖的植物。
英文摘要:[Objectives] To identify
the most suitable host plants for the development of Tetranychus urticae and Stethorus
punctillum. [Methods] The
developmental duration and fecundity of T.
urticae, and the developmental duration, fecundity, hatching rate, pupation
rate and eclosion rate of S. punctillum,
were measured at a temperature of (25±1)℃ and photoperiod of 14L︰10D, on different host plants. [Results] There were significant differences in the
developmental duration of both species on different plants. The shortest
developmental period of T. urticae was on peanut (9.82 d) and maximum
fecundity of this species was recorded on peanuts and cowpeas. The developmental period of S. punctillum was shortest on peanut and
cowpea (no significant difference), and highest on corn, peppers and eggplant.
Fecundity of S. punctillum on the
different banker plants was, peanut (112.60), cowpea (103.80), corn (85.20),
pepper (68.20) and eggplant (53.40) and its adult eclosion rate on different banker
plants was, peanut (80.11%), cowpea (70.26%), corn (66.66%), pepper (9.70%) and
eggplant (29.81%). [Conclusion] Of
the banker plants tested, peanut was the most suitable host for Tetranychus urticae and Stethorus punctillum.