Inheritance of resistance to abamectin+pyridaben in Tetranychus truncatus Ehara
宋丽雯** 李维真 郭鸿儒 王森山 沈慧敏
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作者单位:甘肃农业大学植物保护学院,甘肃省农作物病虫害生物防治工程实验室,兰州 730070
中文关键词: 截形叶螨;阿维·哒螨灵;遗传方式;显性度;多基因
英文关键词: Tetranychus truncatus (Ehara); abamectin+pyridaben; resistance inheritance; degrees of dominance; multiple genes
中文摘要: 【目的】 明确截形叶螨 Tetranychus truncatus Ehara 对阿维·哒螨灵药剂的抗性遗传方式,为今后合理使用药剂,有效地制定害螨抗性治理策略提供一定的理论指导。【方法】 通过杂交和回交试验,确定截形叶螨抗阿维·哒螨灵种群的显性度(D)、细胞质影响因子和遗传基因。【结果】 所测得的截形叶螨抗性种群的杂交F1代(SS♀´RR♂和RR♀SS♂)的显性度D值分别为0.625和0.802,均在0 < D < 1范围内,表明抗性都由不完全显性基因控制;两个D值(DSR和DRS)95%置信限有重叠,并且经t-检验,两个D值不存在显著差异(P > 0.05),证明截形叶螨对阿维·哒螨灵的抗性遗传受母体或核外效应的影响不大,其抗性基因在常染色体上;回交F2 代两个种群的(BC1SR和BC1RS)的实际死亡率和期望值经χ2检验,均差异显著,证实由多基因控制。【结论】 不完全显性多基因控制的遗传方式产生的抗谱很宽,抗性一旦产生则很难延缓其抗性的迅速发展,因此田间应用该药剂时应交替轮换不同作用机制的药剂,重点采用预防性抗性治理策略。
[Objectives] To clarify the inheritance of resistance to
avermectin+pyridaben in Tetranychus truncatus Ehara. [Methods] Resistant (RR)and susceptible (SS) strains of Tetranychus truncatus Ehara were crossed
and backcrossed to investigate the genes involved in resistance to
avermectin+pyridaben, their dominance (D)
and cytoplasmic factors involved in resistance. [Results] D values for F1 females from SS♀´RR♂
crosses and RR♀´SS♂ crosses were in the range of 0 < D < 1 (0.625 and 0.802,
respectively), indicating incomplete dominance. The 95% confidence limits of
these two D values overlap, indicating that there is no significant difference
between DSR and DRS. This reveals that the
gene responsible for resistance is located in the autosome. A Chi-square (χ2) goodness-of-fit analysis
indicated that mortality levels in F2 females (BC1SR and
BC1RS) were significantly different (χ2= 16.92, df = 9, P < 0.05) from the expected
values for multiple gene control. [Conclusion] The inheritance of resistance to
abamectin+pyridaben in T. truncatus can easily cause a wide spectrum of resistance that is difficult to reduce.
Consequently, abamectin+pyridaben should be used in rotation with the other
insecticides to reduce selection for resistance to this combination of
insecticides. It’s important to implement a preventive resistance management
strategy and measures to manage resistance to abamectin+pyridaben.