Impacts of organic manure on rice paddy arthropod communities
阳 菲;杨 荷;赵文华;刘雨芳
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作者单位:湖南科技大学生命科学学院,园艺作物病虫害治理湖南省重点实验室,湘潭 411201;湖南科技大学生命科学学院,园艺作物病虫害治理湖南省重点实验室,湘潭 411201;湖南科技大学生命科学学院,园艺作物病虫害治理湖南省重点实验室,湘潭 411201;湖南科技大学生命科学学院,园艺作物病虫害治理湖南省重点实验室,湘潭 411201
英文关键词:paddy field; organic manure; arthropod community; bottom-up effect; top-down effect
【目的】 探索稻田施用有机肥对稻田节肢动物群落、捕食性天敌与水稻害虫的影响,是否会引起水稻重要害虫发生风险。【方法】 2017-2018年连续2年种植单季稻,在稻田中施用有机肥(Rice paddy field used
organic manure,RPOM),以常规施用化肥稻田(Rice paddy field used
chemical fertilizer,RPCF)为对照,调查 RPOM与RPCF的土壤肥力、稻田水生昆虫、捕食性天敌总体、稻田蜘蛛、稻田捕食性昆虫(地上部分)、水稻害虫及捕食性天敌的补偿猎物等功能团的发生时间动态与相关性,计算物种益害比与个体数量益害比。【结果】 土壤中的碱解氮、有效磷、全磷、全钾的含量为RPOM显著高于RPCF(P< 0.05),全氮与有机质含量RPOM极显著高于RPCF(P<0.01)。RPCF中水生昆虫的个体数量明显低于RPOM。摇蚊与弹尾虫的总个体数量RPOM与RPCF没有显著差异。2017年在RPOM中采集到水稻害虫17种,887头;在RPCF中采集到水稻害虫18种,917头,群落相似系数0.86。2018年在RPOM中采集到水稻害虫13种,1 226头,在RPCF中采集到水稻害虫15种,2 035头,群落相似系数0.71。RPCF的害虫个体数量显著高于RPOM。2017年在RPOM中采集到捕食性天敌41种,总个体数量1 316头,在RPCF中采集到捕食性天敌31种,总个体数量989头,群落相似性0.83,Bray-Curtis距离为0.15。2018年在RPOM稻田中采集到捕食性天敌41种,总个体数量1 537头,在RPCF稻田中采集到捕食性天敌36种,总个体数量1 031头,群落相似性0.78,Bray-Curtis距离为0.31。连续2年捕食性天敌的物种丰富度为RPOM明显高于RPCF,且在2018年差异极显著(P<0.01),个体数量RPOM显著高于RPCF(P<0.05)。个体数量益害比值,2017年RPOM为1.86, RPCF为1.09,RPOM明显高于 RPCF,但无显著差异(P>0.05);2018年RPOM为1.64,RPCF为0.62,RPOM显著高于 RPCF(P<0.05)。【结论】 复合微生物菌肥明显提高稻田土壤肥力;对捕食性天敌补偿猎物的个体数量没有明显影响;降低水稻害虫功能团的个体数量,显示了以土壤肥力为驱动的自下而上(Bottom-up)效应;显著提高捕食性天敌物种丰富度与个体数量,显著提高个体数量益害比,显示了自上而下(Top-down)效应。同时表明施用有机肥可预期捕食性天敌生态控害效能明显增强。
[Objectives] To investigate the effects of organic manure on rice paddy arthropod communities, including predators and rice pests, and determine whether this increases the abundance of important rice pests. [Methods] Single- season rice was planted for two consecutive years (2017-2018) in two kinds of rice paddy; one which used organic manure (RPOM) and another which used chemical fertilizer (RPCF). Soil fertility and the abundance of aquatic insects, spiders, predatory insects, functional rice pest groups, and the compensatory prey of predators in both field types were investigated,and predator-to-pest ratios for species richness and individual species abundance calculated. [Results] Alkali-hydrolyzable N, available P, total P and total K were significantly higher in the soil of the RPOM than in the RPCF (P<0.05). Total N and organic matter in the soil of the RPOM was also much higher than in RPCF (P<0.01). The number of aquatic insects in the RPCF was significantly lower than in the RPOM. There was no significant difference in the total number of Chironomus and Collembola between the RPOM and RPCF. In 2017, 887 rice insect pests belonging to 17 species were collected in the RPOM compared to 917 rice insect pests belonging to 18 species in the RPCF; a similarity coefficient of community of 0.86. In 2018,1 226 rice pests belonging to 13 species, and 2 035 rice pests belonging to 15 species, were collected in the RPOM and RPCF, respectively. The similarity coefficient of community was 0.71 between the two paddy types. The number of individual rice insect pests was significantly higher in the RPCF than in the RPOM. In 2017, 1 316 predatory predators belonging to 41 species were collected in the RPOM compared to 989 belonging to 31 species were collected in the RPCF; a similarity coefficient of community of 0.83 and a Bray-Curtis distance of community of 0.151. In 2018, 1 537 predators belonging to 41 species were collected in the RPOM compared to 1 031 belonging to 36 species in the RPCF, with a similarity coefficient of community of 0.78 and a Bray-Curtis distance of community of 0.31. The diversity of predatory species in the RPOM was significantly higher than that in the RPCF in 2 consecutive years, a difference that was highly significant in 2018 (P<0.01). Furthermore, the number of individual insects in the RPOM was significantly higher than in the RPCF (P<0.05). The ratio of predatory species to insect pests in the RPOM and RPCF were 1.86 and 1.09 in 2017, and 1.64 and 0.64 in 2018, respectively, and was significantly higher in the RPOM than in the RPCF in 2018 (P<0.05). [Conclusion] Organic manure markedly improves the soil fertility of paddy fields, has no significant effect on the abundance of compensatory prey, and reduces the number of insect pests, which suggests a bottom-up effect. However, the species richness, abundance of predatory species, and the ratio of predatory species to insect pests, were significantly higher in fields with organic manure, suggesting a top-down effect. These results demonstrate that the addition of organic manure enhances the ecological control effect of the natural enemies of insect pests.