Behavioral responses of sexually immature, mature virgin, and mated, guava fruit flies to host plant odor
张小娇;钱 诚;杨六三;刘洪翠;李成云;董文霞
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作者单位:云南生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室,云南农业大学植物保护学院,昆明 650201; 云南省永善县农业农村局,永善 657300
英文关键词:Bactrocera correcta; guava fruit volatiles; wind tunnel; physiological states; behavioral response
【目的】 探究番石榴果实气味对番石榴实蝇Bactrocera correcta行为的影响,为番石榴实蝇的化学生态防治提供理论依据。【方法】 利用风洞观察箱观察性未成熟、性成熟未交配和交配3种不同生理状态的番石榴实蝇雌、雄成虫对单个番石榴果实气味的定向反应,对不同生理状态的雌、雄虫的飞行速度进行了分析。【结果】 番石榴果实气味对不同生理状态的番石榴实蝇雌雄成虫均能产生显著的引诱效果,交配雌虫降落到气味源的数量最多,其次是性成熟未交配的雄虫,性未成熟的雄虫降落数最少。不同生理状态下的番石榴实蝇雌雄成虫逆风飞行的速度均显著高于空白对照,性成熟的番石榴实蝇雌成虫的逆风飞行速度均高于雄成虫。【结论】 不同生理状态的番石榴实蝇雌雄虫对寄主番石榴气味具有不同的敏感性和选择性,已交配雌虫反应最强,其次是性成熟未交配的雄虫,性未成熟的雄虫的反应最弱。
[Objectives] The effect of guava fruit odor on the behavior of the guava fruit fly, Bactrocera correcta was measured in order to provide theoretical basis for the chemical ecological control of this species. [Methods] The behavioral responses and flight speeds of sexually immature, mature virgin, and mated, male and female fruit flies to guava fruit odor were investigated in a wind tunnel. [Results] Guava fruit odor attracted fruit flies in in all three stages of reproductive development. The majority of fruit flies that landed on the odor source were mated females, followed by mature virgin males. Sexually immature males were the least attracted to the odor source. Compared to the control (no odor), fruit flies in all three stages of reproductive development increased their flight speeds when exposed to guava odor. Mature females flies flew faster than mature males. [Conclusion] The attractiveness of guava odor to B. correcta varies with the reproductive status of these fruit flies. Mated females are most strongly attracted by guava odor, followed by mature virgin males, whereas immature males are less attracted.