Quantitative evaluation of predation based on molecular analysis of gut-content
鞠 倩;欧阳芳;乔 飞;戈 峰
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作者单位:中国科学院动物研究所,农业虫害鼠害综合治理研究国家重点实验室,北京 100101; 中国科学院大学生物互作卓越中心,北京 100049;山东省花生研究所,青岛 266100
英文关键词:gut content; Propylea japonica; peanut aphid; biological control
【目的】 自然天敌在农田生态系统中发挥着重要的生物功能, 明确捕食性天敌对害虫猎物的控制能力是充分发挥天敌控制作用的前提。【方法】 本文基于肠道内含物分子检测方法,以华北花生与玉米组成的微景观系统中的花生/玉米-花生蚜-龟纹瓢虫为研究主线,对龟纹瓢虫Propylaea japonica肠道内含物进行了分子检测。【结果】 结合室内和大田取样两种途径,通过测定龟纹瓢虫肠道内含物中花生蚜的阳性检出率,显示龟纹瓢虫体内检测到花生蚜的扩增,阳性检出率最高时达到26.25%。【结论】 基于天敌肠道内含物的分子标记技术可作为定量评价田间实际天敌控害作用的有效方法之一,玉米作为功能植物(作物)可通过涵养天敌瓢虫实现对花生蚜的控制作用。
[Objectives] Protecting and enhancing natural predator
communities is an effective strategy for pest suppression in farmland and
understanding the trophic structures of predators and food webs in
agroecosystems has become a key issue in biological control. [Methods] The peanut aphid COⅠ gene was used as a marker of peanut aphid predation by by the
coccinellid Propylea japonica (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and PCR-based gut content analysis was used to
measure predation by P. japonica on
the peanut aphid. [Results] Incorporating molecular tools and field
studies provided direct evidence of peanut aphid predation by P. japonica and allowed the consumption
of this pest by P. japonica to be
evaluated under realistic field conditions. [Conclusion] Molecular
gut content analysis can help evaluate the trophic structure of natural
predator food webs and thereby inform, and improve, pest control.